[Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint and was published online May 4, 2006.]

Farrakhan: The Traveler, Volume 25, Number 12 contains this: “I conclude this part of this article with a question. What is the best way to comprehend this whole ‘thing’ that has happened in America–from the Appearance of God, to this moment, and what’s in the immediate future? Moreover, why ought we to understand this anyway? The best way to start, or begin, is by studying Minister Farrakhan.

“I intend, by the help of Allah and His Christ, to show and prove this to be true–be it the will of Allah–until it is ‘concluded.’ ”



Real proofs should produce certainty. Chapter 102 of the Holy Qur’an contains verses, which the scholars consider as disclosing three degrees of certainty of knowledge. In footnote number 5673, Yusuf Ali wrote:

“All Truth is in itself certain. But as received by men, and understood with reference to men’s psychology, certainty may have certain degrees. There is the probability or certainty resulting from the application of man’s power of judgment and his appraisement of evidence. This is ‘lim-ul-yaqin,’ certainty by reasoning or inference. Then, there is the certainty of seeing something with our own eyes. ‘Seeing is believing.’ This is ‘ani-ul-yaqin,’ certainty by personal inspection. See cii. 5,7. Then, as here, there is the absolute Truth, with no possibility of error of judgment or error of the eye (which stands for any instrument of sense-perception and any ancillary aids, such as microscopes, etc.). This absolute Truth is the ‘haqq-ul-yaqin’ spoken of here.”

As his teacher before him, Minister Farrakhan has been and is presenting the “absolute Truth” about the most important and vital issues imaginable for the salvation of all who listen to him–the world over.

He has included all levels of “proofs” in private conversations, public address, his writings, with the aim of producing certainty in the minds of his readers and listeners–for their sakes.

The highest degree of certainty is mentioned or described, and how to achieve it is mentioned in several places in the scriptures. We’ll start on that next issue, Allah willing.


I’ve just made the first of several changes on my website, which is (www.writtentestimony.com), one of which is the following statement on the home page. It reflects what I am trying to accomplish in this column in these articles, especially since Volume 12, Number 12 of this newspaper. It reads:

This is what the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is inviting us to get deeper into–the wisdom of his teacher, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said in Theology of Time, June 11, 1972: “If Islam stands out before your eyes as a sign of the universe, if the universe was made wrong, and that truth cannot be found in it, then we live in an awful universe. If the religion of Islam takes for its base, the root meaning of the universe for its religion, then I say you have an awful job trying to tangle with that type of people. They’ll have you running ‘round looking for something to prove what you say. A religion, if its root is not based upon the universal order of things, you have no religion.”

In This Is The One, I quoted the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who stated: “A religion whose origin or roots cannot be found in the universal order of God’s creation cannot be said to be the religion of God. … if your religion’s roots are not found in the universal order of things, it is not from Allah (God). Almighty Allah has taught me that if we study the universe and the nature of the earth: its plants, animals and insect life; if we study this part of Allah’s creation and the natural laws working among them, we will have the key to the understanding of the way of life intended by God for you and me.”

This is the language of a scientist. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has made clear in his articles in the Muhammad Speaks newspaper exactly how the principles of Islam makes up… .

He is saying that, by the very nature of our own creation, we ought to be taking for the root meaning of the universe for our way of life or everyday living. Our way of life or living ought to be based on “the natural laws” by which The Almighty governs all life. The study of these natural laws will give us “the key to the understanding of the way of life intended by God for you and me.”

We learn the root meaning of the universe, not just through the study of creation–and all that He created Therein–but also through the study of God’s mind and heart. Not until today could we study God more directly than we can now since He Appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

I intend to cite that which may be studied through the words of wisdom from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his ambassador, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, by means of this website with links to The Final Call online.

The start of this study must be the study and practice of the study guides of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan! As he explains in his introduction to his study guides:

“Each study session is designed on the guidance of Allah to produce: self-examination, self-analysis, self-correction, and to quicken in each of us the self-accusing spirit. For, it is only when we are awakened morally that we have to face the self-accusing spirit, which leads to our resurrection. Resurrection is that process that begins with the self-accusing spirit and does not end until we become one in perfect harmony or peace with Allah and His Creation.”

The more we grow and get closer to becoming “one in perfect harmony or peace with Allah and His creation” the more like God we become and therefore, live our lives.

This website has been dedicated to helping the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in his marvelous assignment. With the help and expertise of others, this website will better serve that purpose.

With increasing frequency, I intend to make available through this website materials that will assist in its purpose.

One of the “materials” that I intend to make available are all of the Farrakhan The Traveler articles I have written, in a form that assists others in their study of this special human being–the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Others, whom I will publicly thank later, have gathered almost all of the Farrakhan: The Traveler articles that I have written over the years. When the gathering is completed, they will all appear on this website in a form that should be easily accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world.

Thank you for reading this.
Jabril Muhammad


Being certain of the truths Minister Farrakhan teaches–and of him–is essential to getting through the dark hour–the darkest part of which we are about to enter. This, I intend to prove, by the help of Allah!

More, next issue, Allah willing.