[Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint and was published online March 9, 2010.]

Consider this carefully: the Holy Qur’an in many places warns us in the strongest terms not to turn back from Islam. For example, chapter 2:217 reads:

“And who-ever of you turns back from his religion … these it is whose works go for nothing in this world and the hereafter.”


Then in chapter 47:25, we read:

“Surely those who turn back after guidance is manifest to them, the devil embellishes it for them; and lengthens false hopes for them.”

Some scholars translate the Arabic with these words: “Satan has seduced them, and holds out false promises to them.”

The next verse tells that many people were partial believers. Elsewhere in the Holy Qur’an the Author makes clear that He well recognizes the varying degrees of hypocrisy in people, from tinge to total. Ultimately, as 47:30, 31 teaches, Allah will manifest this disease, that He calls hypocrisy, for our own benefit, and remove it from Black people forever. This is taught elsewhere in God’s word.

Now let us move on to 3:84, where we are plainly told that Allah will not accept us in our rebellious state; that we must be submissive to Him and whomever He sets up to bring us to Him. But in the light of all that we have learned from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad; that which is written; and that which is taking place in us, around us, and throughout the earth–this is the essence of what can easily and justly be extracted from that verse. Now let us move on to ponder verses 85-91 of this same 3rd chapter (or Surah).

First, let us look at verse 85: “How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their believing, and (after) they had borne witness that the Messenger was true, and clear arguments had come to them? And Allah guides not the unjust people.” This verse is composed of two sentences.

Did not we disbelieve after believing, and this after bearing witness that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was true? Did he not give us clear and convincing arguments of the truth of God, our enemies; ourselves; and his mission; the time in which we live and the changes God has set in motion for the destruction of this evil world and the setting up on earth of a brand new world–the kingdom of heaven or God? (These words of verse 85 refers to those of us who were in the Nation of Islam before 1975.)

Look at the problem this verse presents. Look at the word “how.” What does the word “how” mean? Among its meaning are: In what way or manner; to what degree, extent, or amount; for what reason or purpose; at what price, for what sum; to what effect; with what meaning. The word “how” refers to a manner, method, or means of doing or bringing about something.

Now let us go back to a little over nineteen years ago. Let us go back to before the departure of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in February 1975. If we could see what was about to happen to the Nation of Islam, from the perspective of Allah and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and if you had the power to either prevent the fall of the Nation, or to allow it to fall and bring it back again, what would you have done? Would it have been wise to prevent it from falling? The answer, simply stated, is no.

On the other hand, if it were wiser to permit the Nation to fall, then one of the many questions that would have to be decided was the question of “how” the Nation would be revived. This and other decisions would have to be decided before the Nation fell. Obviously they were.

Then don’t you think that Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad came to see eye to eye on the best method by which the question of “how” should be answered? Don’t you think the former brought the latter to see the “how” as He did? We are not considering some arbitrary, capricious, superficial choice involving Minister Louis Farrakhan. We are dealing with a very important aspect of an action involving Minister Farrakhan that flows out of the infinite wisdom and eternal counsel of God Himself.

Let us not trifle with such a serious matter, which the prophecies of the scriptures, fulfilled in Minister Farrakhan implies. He does not sit in the seat of his teacher from his own choice. He is the choice of the Being Who knows what we think and feel; even to what our minds suggests before it forms in our minds; Who comprehends all things.

(The wisdom involved in permitting the Nation of Islam to fall is the same wisdom used in causing its rise.)

He made the decision that Minister Farrakhan must sit in the seat of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad; for wise reasons, which benefits all who accept His will. Minister Farrakhan had absolutely nothing to do with his being chosen (to do what he has done) anymore than he had to do with his birth and genetic make up! The decision was exercised by the Living God, Master Fard Muhammad, for the Minister to function as he does. Actually, this illustrious Minister was assigned his task thousands of years ago.

In the book of John (chapter 16) we read that Jesus said that he had to go away; that it was necessary and even beneficial for his followers that he leave. But, he told them, not to worry because the Father Himself would send them another, in his name (character, authority …). This has more than one reference. The one I am referring to, here, involves the departure of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the rise of Minister Farrakhan in 1977 to do as he has.

Stop and think for a minute. Think about the kind of dedication, de“termi”nation and the intensity of the love in the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for Black people. Think about what he taught us of his Teacher’s love (Master Fard Muhammad) for us, that it is greater than a mother’s love for her child. Do you think that They would be careless in providing and preparing the perfect answer to the question of “how” we were to be guided “… who disbelieved after their believing …?”

Notice the second sentence in verse 85: “And Allah guides not the unjust people.” Think about these words. Can you not see how much of a mercy our Brother, Minister Louis Farrakhan is; a fallen Brother whom God lifted up from His own wisdom, in answer to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s prayer both for more time and for the protection and rise of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan before his departure? The Minister is also a mercy to White people, although most of them do not understand that he is and why they need mercy from the true and Living God. They will.

Have not you seen our Brother gratefully state that he is backed by the grace of God and the Lamb? How can any of you who followed the Honorable Elijah Muhammad prior to 1975 deny the grace of God flowing through our Brother and yet claim to love the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and our people?

One has a perfect right to, at least suspect the claims and the motives of those who state now that they really were with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, when they claim to have a problem with a man–Minister Farrakhan–who is clearly with his teacher and is working night and day to properly represent, honor, please him.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad use to say that some, if not most of his best followers were still in the streets. He was saying that many of us who said we were with him were not as sincere as we claimed. He was no fool. Nor was he náive. He knew people altogether.

When speaking of his future followers (who would be joined in true brother/sisterhood with some of those who were with him prior to 1975) he often says: “And they won’t fear the censurer nor their censure.”

To censure means to express strong disapproval of; to give an official rebuke of; to criticize severely; to blame; to denounce, condemn, attack and brand. It also involves faultfinding. Led by a great many Jews, the leading figures in the United States government, the press of this country and others belched out a torrent of lies, half-truths and general slander and threats against the Honorable Louis Farrakhan. The senate voted to censure him 95 – 0, as mentioned in the first chapter.

He showed no fear of them nor their censure, as the Holy Qur’an and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said of a certain group of Muslims, who are growing throughout America. (This is now 2010 and you have seen Minister Farrakhan stronger than ever!)

To be continued.

More next issue, Allah willing.