‘Witnesses Of The Mastery Of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’
CHICAGO–The Coalition for the Remembrance of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (C.R.O.E.) recently celebrated their 32nd annual Founders’ Day at the group’s facility on 2435 W. 71st Street. Supporters from across the nation came to enjoy this tribute to the Nation of Islam patriarch and his work in resurrecting and uplifting the Black man and woman.

Co-founders Munir Muhammad, Halif Muhammad and Shahid Muslim welcomed with love to C.R.O.E.’s studio, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan who paid tribute a day prior to the March 4 celebration.
“First, let me say how much I thank Allah for you, Brother Munir Muhammad, for your family, and for all those at C.R.O.E. who have helped you over these last 32 years,” Minister Farrakhan stated. “(For) your love, devotion, admiration and commitment to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the mission of the resurrection of our people here and throughout the world.”
The Minister expressed his appreciation and encouragement for C.R.O.E. to continue in preserving the work of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad.
“So, long live C.R.O.E. and long live Brother Munir Muhammad for the great service you have offered not only to those of us who know you but the future generations who will come up and want to know about the man that walked among us, the first born of God to be made from a dead level and produced as a God,” said Min. Farrakhan.

“We thank Allah for his coming in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to whom praise is due forever,” he continued.Munir Muhammad explained how important the work is in preserving the history and legacy of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam. The endurance and longevity to continue in the mission of C.R.O.E. has never wavered, he explained.
“We never thought about closing down; we never thought about you know, ‘they don’t like us.’ We never thought about ‘we don’t have enough help.’ We never complained, we kept going and we’re going to keep going as long as there’s breath in us. You don’t retire from this because everybody doesn’t know, and I don’t want anybody to say that they didn’t remember the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.”

Supporters and friends of C.R.O.E. gathered for a wonderful evening March 4 which included a dinner and it was a great day said Munir Muhammad. Actor Harry Lennix, known for a variety of film and television roles including, “The Five Heartbeats,” “Man of Steel,” “24,” and many more was very powerful during remarks he presented during the evening,
Mr. Lennix shared a brief yet inspirational speech about how the Nation of Islam influenced him as a young boy which many guests deemed the highlight of the evening.
“I grew up in Chicago in a heavy Muslim neighborhood,” the actor told The Final Call in a telephone interview. “When I was 13, the NOI was being reconfigured and all I really knew was what I heard. I studied to be a priest, so I didn’t get a chance to get into the Teachings, so C.R.O.E. introduced me to the pragmatic teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad,” he said.

“It was a good room to be in,” he said of the Founders’ Day celebration. “A great cross section of people was there. It was sustenance; you had one point of agreement.”
Dr. Tyrone Powers, also a special guest spoke highly of the celebration that brought together many from various walks of life.
“When you see all those people talking and mingling, you realize what we can have at a collective event,” he stated. He also praised Harry Lennix’s speech.
“He was so strong in that message that it impacted a great deal of people. He’s fully into celebrating the Messenger (Hon. Elijah Muhammad). For someone in his field and profession to come out and say that, it’s a clear indication that he sees the power of this work,” he continued.

“It was a great crowd; I think everyone was moved by the talk that Harry gave,” said Halif Muhammad. “I really enjoyed him. It was just an honor to have someone acknowledge what we’ve been trying to do here for 30 years,” said Halif Muhammad who in addition to being a founder of C.R.O.E. is the brother of Munir Muhammad.
“I thought it was a great moment in academia when he pointed out all of the players that everybody attributed everything to but they’re just mirrors of what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad achieved. I think that’s the bottom line of what our work is about, is to make sure that he gets the credit,” he continued.
“All of us are witnesses of the mastery of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.”