[This article is reprinted from Vol. 33 No. 40]

Please read in the Bible Isaiah Chapter 42: 1-4. And then read the following words below.


In Genesis of the Bible we read in Chapter 15: 12 —14:

“12  And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him.

“13  And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;

“14  And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.”

This involves the history of Black people in America and the Nation of Islam in America.

I did not read any Bible until I entered the Nation of Islam in 1954. Before 1954, I did not study the Bible and I did not know of the Holy Qur’an.

And then I got my “X” in January of 1955. And then for the first time, I saw the Honorable Elijah Muhammad speaking in Temple #2 (what it was called at that time) in February of 1955.

Many years later, I heard these words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on a tape, when he was speaking in February 1954. These words had a profound effect on me, and more.

In the beginning other Ministers told me of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s words, which affected me deeply. That was in 1954.

Part of which their words involved was the history of Black people in America. That involves the 400 years ending in 1955. This history is very, very significant. Some people see themselves as scholars, but does it involve the truth of this history?

When you use or mention God, Himself, The Supreme Being’s words publicly or privately you must be very, very careful what you say.

I was not there when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke these words at a Saviours’ Day address.

Here is part of his words that he spoke in Chicago in February 1954:

“It is very late now and I wish that I had or rather (pardon me) rather I wish that you had the patience that I have to stay and listen to all that we have to say. But knowing your patience very well, we are trying to hurry through with what we have in mind giving to you just that we said highlights of it, but we do like that you have patience today. Listen to the truth, and after listening to the truth act upon the principles of the truth.  

“It is not to just to challenge your faith, your God or whatever it may be that you are worshipping or that you believe in, it is not that. It is our love for our people and the sake of humanity that we desire to warn you from Allah that an awful world and an awful destruction, is now imminent.    

“According to the scripture, at the time that the prophets prophesied that the gathering together of the people of earth there would be lots of trouble, there would be lots of hatred among you, great dissatisfaction.  

“Since you and me are witnesses here this afternoon in this world that we live, we have been so greatly misunderstood that I desire that Allah send to me a little helper.  

“For 22 years I have worked hard wherever I was or may be to try to get into your ears and into your hearts the truth that Allah has revealed to me.  

“I want to make it very clear to you that I have not come before you to try to teach you of a religion that you have not yet been acquainted with nor even myself.   I myself was born in America and was born under the Christian religion. I did not know Islam until around 23 years ago.  

“In fact about it, I had no knowledge of anything other than what I was taught here under the Christian guidance.  

“After Allah brought to you and me Islam it has been to me like one that has been sound asleep and someone comes around early in the morning and wakes them up and tells them that it is now day. I consider all of my years before the coming of Allah and Islam to me as years that were lost in darkness.  

“I’m thankful to Allah for you that He has opened their hearts for the acceptance of Islam that is now. I know how you was because I know it myself.   We don’t have to say the crimes that we committed or the evils that we practiced, we can sum all of that up, into one word: we were other than our own selves.    

“Allah has made it clear to us today that we have lived other than our own-self for nearly 400 long years. That means ever since that our fathers, our forefathers was brought into the Western Hemisphere by a Christian by the name of John Hawkins.

“Remember this was a Christian that brought our forefathers to America to be sold into slavery.  

“We are not here to force you to believe in Islam, that’s immaterial with us. Islam is independent whether you or me believe in it or not. The God of Islam is also independent, He don’t have no need of us, but we have need of Him.”


I did not know, at that time that his words were referring to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan when he first saw him. I was not there to hear his words. But later I came to know that he asked Allah to send him a little helper. That “helper” was and is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. I will explain this next article, Allah willing.


This day, July 4th in America involves God, the Supreme Being, Himself, making Himself known to others. But the “others” did not know Him. But the following year 1931 is when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad first saw Him and knew who This One was!

More next issue, Allah Willing.