Abraham really did live on this earth, once upon a time. His life and work is not myth, or just some made up story. If you and I could go back 5,000 years ago, to what is now called the Middle East, and to the area where he lived, we could see this great man.

It would have been interesting to see, meet and interact with this unusual man. After all, how many human beings have made such impressions that their names have come down through fifty centuries?

At Stanford University, and in a few other universities, some White scholars are trying to be a bit more honest in presenting history. This effort is to try to present a more balanced view of the White race in relation to non- Whites earth-wide, as well as in America. It’s very limited, however. It would be too much to expect White scholars, in America, to develop courses that bring home to this generation the truth of God’s prophets and the truth of their connection to us today.


If such courses were developed, in depth, Abraham would have to come up, among other persons, whose lives made a great difference in the lives of many, past and present, who are relevant to our times; but who are rarely mentioned, or not rep resented at all, in America’s educational system.

Despite the huge numbers of religious people, the thousands of churches, and other houses of worship, the prophets of God are not really “real” to the general populace, in this county.

Black scholars, on the other hand, and students generally, should (intelligently) demand that courses be produced about the work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. Minister Farrakhan’s works should compel every Black scholar to produce such courses. Of course, they ought not to do so without us being involved.

It is beyond the purpose of this article to comment on all that is written, in the scriptures, about Abraham with reference to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and the work Minister Farrakhan is doing in his name. Those comments, Allah willing, would be part of a much larger book. It is, however, important for us to focus on the “path” God set this man on–the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Now, we are familiar with a footpath, such as in the woods. That is called a track. A track is a well beaten path or trail, made that way by the repeated passage of people or vehicles or even animals.

Imagine this. You are in a jungle or the deep woods. You don’t know where you are. There is no well-worn or clear indication of how you can get out of where you are. You are cold (or very hot). Hungry. Real hungry. Shoeless. All of a sudden you hear noises that sound like there is something in the bushes. You begin to think that there is something that is thinking of making you a meal. You are in big trouble. The hair stands up on back of your neck. Frightened–that’s you. You want to get out of where you are, but you don’t know how. All of your efforts have failed. You have run out of ideas. You are ex hausted; about to give up. Defeated.

Suddenly a man appears and tells you, with confidence, that he can lead you out of where you are. He asks, in a kind, but firm manner, “May I help you get out of here?” How would you re act? Would you get mad? Or would you be filled with gratitude? If you accepted the help of this man, how would you act by him as he leads you out of that which you could not get yourself out of? You were helpless. He helped you. He leads you out of a rough situation. Now, would you act by such person as “Moses,” who traveled with the wise man?

Minister Farrakhan is like that “imaginary,” man, who meets you in this entangling, or jungle-like world. He knows the way out because he can see the series of marks, or indications–the discoverable evidence–left by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, as he successfully passed on to where he is now. This “where” is a physical, as well as a spiritual and a moral status, and is far better than “where” we are now.

A path can be a line of movement of something, or the course that something physically takes, or is on. When it comes to people, a path is, according to one dictionary, “a course or manner of conduct, thought or procedure.”

“Course” means “an outward movement; a going from one point to the next; progress.” It also refers to “the progress or duration of time.” Again, it is “a way, path or channel of movement.”

It is the “direction taken, especially that taken or to be taken by a ship or plane … a regular manner or procedure … a way of behaving; mode of conduct … a series of like things in some regular order; a particular succession of events or actions; regular or natural order of development.”

In education, a course refers to “a series of studies leading to a degree.” Or, it can refer to any of the separate units of instruction in a subject, made up of recitations, lectures, or the like.

When we say that such and such is or will happen “in due course,” we are saying that it is occurring in the usual or proper sequence. That which is on course is that which is moving or developing in the intended manner.

The word “manner” means “a way or method in which something is done or happens.” It can refer to the customary behavior or mode of doing something.

What is conduct? That word refers to the way one acts, behaves or manages. It is deportment. It is demeanor, which has to do with one’s characteristic, mental and physical posture or attitude, and reflects standards of conduct or social conventions.

If we read the Holy Qur’an carefully, we will find that Allah states clearly that we will find no change in His ways, or in His manner of His doings. For instance, the way in which He related to people in the past, who accepted or rejected His teachings, through human beings He commissioned to guide them, is the way we can expect Him to act by, or relate to people to day.

In other words, He is consistent in acting by the principles of His nature, which doesn’t change. Of course, His display of mercy is greater today than in the past. So will there be a greater display of His power to destroy? We see, and are involved in, many signs of each now.

Let us ponder over the fact that the Bible states some pretty bad things about God’s prophets, Abraham included. Allah, does not take up these charges in detail, in the Holy Qur’an. However, we do know that Allah defends them. He declares them all to be sinless! No prophet of His was a sinful man, regard less to what came up in their lives.

More next issue, Allah willing