From the Christian point of view the Jews made blunders when they thought Jesus was blaspheming when, for example, he forgave sins or claimed to be the Messiah, or healed on the Sabbath. Again, Christians regard blasphemy as doubting the claim of Jesus or mocking him.   Persecuting Christians is re ­garded as blasphemy (1 Timothy 13).

We even see that the community of Christians, according to that point of view, had to suffer blasphemy for a time (Revelation 2:9; 1 Corinthian 4:13; 1 Peter 4:4). Again, the principle in the third parable of Jesus, in Matthew 25, applies here too. This shows how seri ­ous it is for America to mistreat the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Muslims with him–as they plan, even as these words are be ­ing written.

The 13th chapter of Acts records that opposition to Paul’s message was blasphemous because it attacked its basic con ­tent and origin: Jesus, who was the perfect expression of the mind of God.


According to these scholars Christians may give cause for blasphemy if they deny Christ or do not love each other prop ­erly. (Muslims should ponder this.) Certain bad acts are de ­scribed, in this theological dictionary, as blasphemy either because God’s will is resisted or God’s truth is brought into disrepute. (1 Timothy 6:1; James 2:7; Romans 2:24; Titus 2:5.)

They continue that only blasphemy against the holy spirit cannot be forgiven; that is the willful and wicked rejection of God’s saving power and grace (Matthew 12:32).

According to these scholars, they cite 1 Timothy 1:20 to support the thought that the only remedy is to hand the blasphemer over to Satan. There is much more on the subject, but I think this is enough to convey the idea that blasphemy is serious indeed. For in ­stance, according to the law of Moses blasphemy was punish ­able by death.

Jesus was arrested, then he was bound. He was taken to the high priest, questioned about his teachings and his disciples. He reminded his questioners that he had said nothing in secret. They knew his teachings. At a certain point one of the offi ­cials struck him in the face. Of course I am leaving out the details, but I am writing this in this article for us to think carefully about our conception of God, and/or the Messiah, whom we are taught God gave as a sacrifice to remove sin from us and to open the way to God’s kingdom for us.

Let me just interrupt myself to say that we should really qual ­ify our mouth to speak, or our pens to write, when we speak on such extremely important matters. And I am especially including in these important matters the purpose and work of our Brother, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. We must give serious thought to the unusual greatness of the work of our Beloved Brother, right in our faces, and not make the mistakes with him that we made with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

The 33rd and 66th Surah of the Holy Qur’an are among the places in the Holy Qur’an that involve the wicked trial of Jesus.

I’m mentioning this trial with reference to the path of God, un ­folding in the life of Minister Farrakhan, who is following the path blazed by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Although that path is hard, and is an uphill struggle, nevertheless, it leads to the development of the divine in man; to God and, in short, His rest or heaven or kingdom. To reject Minister Far ­rakhan is either to not even get on the path to God, or if you were on it you’ve walked off from it and on to the path of Satan.

The Holy Qur’an teaches in Surah 23:50 and Surah 19:21 that Allah made Mary and her son (Jesus) a sign. Now they were made signs of some ­thing to come well after their day and time. We are not told in the Holy Qur’an, of whom this woman and her son were made signs. Those who were yet to come, and are here now, are mentioned under the history or the appar ­ent history of others in the Bible and in the Holy Qur’an.  

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad once raised a ques ­tion of why did not God tell us of whom they were made signs? His answer, from God, was, “That is done for protection, and to serve as a test between the knowledge of believers and disbe ­lievers in the last days of this world.”  

Master Fard Muhammad forbid the Honorable Elijah Muhammad from going into His identity, until after He was gone, except for just a little. Although the Honorable Elijah Muhammad certainly gave hints, (at times, and in private, thus making some valuable and vital facts very clear), about his own identity in the 50s and 60s, it was not until the Theol ­ogy of Time Series of speeches–in 1972–that he came out, publicly, in great clarity of his relationship to the Bible’s teachings of Jesus in a way that anybody could understand, if they wanted to.

Moreover, even though his articles, on Jesus, were very public in 1957, and on other occasions throughout the 50s and 60s and early 70s, I do not believe that the great majority of us, Black, White, others, in America, really under ­stood that as we sang songs, drove cars, went to picnics, read books, went to school and worked on all kinds of jobs, com ­mitted crimes and lived our lives as it is lived in this coun ­try or realized the momentous nature of what has been going on inside of this country, in and around the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

And, although the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said what he did of himself, it was yet to be set forth in a magnified way by the man prepared to perform that service–the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

It is no small thing for us to say that we are living through the fulfillment of that which is written of in the scriptures under such names as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, and so on. Those, and other such men and their people mirror the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, us and that which is taking place in America as I write these words.

Most of this article was written prior to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s press conference here in Washington, D.C., at the Watergate hotel. Get and really study over the words spoken by him to the press and to the world.

More next issue, Allah willing.