Most of the New Testament is about the return of Christ, or the Christs. To cover the truth of scripture on this vastly important topic, in detail, would easily make a very long article. That is to say that the Bible has a great deal to say on this subject. Many books have been written on this subject. The return of Jesus, or Christ, is a matter of increasing concern to all kinds of people, world leaders included

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad mentioned the length of time he will be “gone,” though most won’t study it in the light of all that the scriptures teaches on this. The other idea is mentioned in Matthew 24:22, Mark 13:20, and elsewhere, that if God did not shorten these terrible days no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake He would shorten it.

“Watch, therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man cometh.”


The person referred to in this verse is not Jesus of 2,000 years ago. My next few articles would be about “Jesus” based on the premise that since all that is taught from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad about Jesus is 100 percent true, and every inference made in these articles are correctly drawn from the plain points he has made, and since the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has produced irrefutable proof of the truth he teaches on many occasions, and in his writings, and through his works; It follows that most of what the Bible teaches about the return of Jesus is actually about the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

We’ll look at a little of what the Bible and Qur’an teach on this subject and what we should be doing between now and then, if we wish to experience the good of the hereafter. (Read MESSAGE TO THE BLACK MAN, pages 84 and 85).

Enough has been covered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s wisdom given to him by God Himself to convince any reasonable person that in no way can Jesus of 2,000 years ago do anything for us. Whether or not the reader feels that enough was given to justify him (or her) in feeling as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and most Muslims do about the question of the time of his death, this will in any case be tested soon.

Even though the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has indicated that his departure will involve a very narrow escape from death. For instance, he once said that: “If I had not been shown by Allah how I would escape, I would have no hope.” From this you can see that when this time comes, there will indeed be much room for doubt of his survival. It will obviously be easy to fool a lot of people. Here are more of his words that bear on this subject:

“The Bible prophecies that the serpent will bruise the heel (followers) of the woman (Messenger). This means they would deceive the followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad will bruise the head of the serpent, meaning the foundation of the chief of Christianity’s way of teaching.”

There is more that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote in various articles, but not much. This is a subject that he never got into except at certain times.

There is none with the power to hinder or outright stop that which He has unconditionally willed to come to pass. Therefore, what is written of the wicked will stand. Likewise, what is written of those who hold fast to the truth proclaimed by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan will also come to pass. Furthermore, what is written of the great destiny of the Black man and woman must and will come to pass. There is no one alive or yet to come capable of defeating what Master Fard Muhammad has set in motion.

There is more written about the return of Jesus in the twenty-seven books of the New Testament then there is of his first coming and presence. To make this clearer, consider the make up of the New Testament. The first four books, namely, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, refer to Jesus in the past tense.

A surface reading of these books tells of a man, his teachings and work, death (or escape from death), ascension, or journey to God in the sky. On closer examination we learned from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that most of these four books are concerned with the events leading up to his “death,” and “resurrection.”

A closer look at the words of Jesus show that most of what is written that he said was concerned with the future. So, a great percentage of the first four books, though written in the past tense, are about the future of a man (or men) under the name “Jesus.”

The next book is called Acts. It is supposed to be a summary of the history of Jesus’ followers right after he went up to God. Many think it covers a time period of about thirty years. Many Christians believe that all of the books that follow except the last book (the Revelations) were written during the time period covered by the books of Acts. Those books (or letters) number twenty-one. So, these letters make up about 77 percent of the New Testament.

The one said to have authored most of these twenty-one books is Paul. There is continuing controversy over the identities of the writers of these books, or rather letters, to the early Christians. The important point here is that someone is continuously written about under the names Jesus, Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus, as coming or returning at some definite time in the future. This same point is made in the last book called the Revelation. This person, under the name Jesus, refers to someone, some human being. It has been clearly shown by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that he cannot be the man of 2,000 years ago. We can also clearly see that this future Jesus (from Acts to Revelation) is never pictured as the equal of God. He is always portrayed as under the power of his Father, God, yet in power over everyone and everything else.

Again, if this future Jesus is the same person as the Jesus whose teachings, work and departure is given (in the past tense) of the first four books (gospels), then we have a word picture that corresponds to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s history throughout the New Testament.

Just as Jesus spoke of “dying” and returning to life after three days, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has spoken of his departure from among his followers, and the public, and his return after about three years.

He has not directly mentioned these things in public. The times he did mention this subject were very few and indirect. He has talked of it in his home throughout the 60’s in a direct way. During the past few years, he has spoken in a way that leaves no doubt that he not only expects to be gone very soon, but that he will return in person.

More next issue, Allah willing.