DETROIT (Cobo Center)–Student Supreme Captain Mustapha Farrakhan opened this year’s Ministry of   Defense workshop at the Nation of   Islam’s annual Saviours’ Day Convention, asking the question, “What can we do as a community (N.O.I.) to win the war being waged against Islam?” Answering his own question he said, “In a time like this … it’s our righteousness that will sustain us.”  

During his brief remarks at the opening and conclusion of the workshop, Bro. Mustapha mentioned meetings that were held with the areas immigrant Muslim community. Those meetings included discussing utilizing the N.O.I.’s security expertise to protect their houses of worship.

The workshop covered a wide range of defense related preventative measures that included mental, spiritual and physical development. Assistant Student Supreme Captain and marital arts master, Anthony Muhammad provided a martial arts and physical fitness presentation, and the workshop concluded with a panel discussion focusing on social media.


The social media portion of the workshop included M.G.T. and F.O.I. young adults and began after providing each workshop participant a “Social Media Guidebook,” published by the N.O.I. Ministry Of Defense.   What followed was an informative dialogue on the proper way to utilize social media.

Student National M.G.T. Captain Sandy Muhammad, introduced the panel discussion stressing that social media is an important tool if used properly, to spread the teaching of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad   through posting on various social media platforms, the words and message of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

People that used social media “for slander” and “putting all of your personal affairs out in the public,” is not a wise use of the internet, she explained.  

The youth and young adult panel was composed of members of the N.O.I.’s Twitter Army. Aqueelah Muhammad, 27, said they represented “thousands” of young brothers and sisters that use social media to spread the teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad.

Sis. Aqueelah also said there was a time when tweeting Min. Farrakhan’s words would always be confronted. Bro. Ahmad Muhammad, 19 in responding to Sis. Aqueelah, said the Twitter Army beat back the opposition.

 “We have pushed the enemy back with our tweeting,” he said. “Now they don’t come out as much.”   He warned against being “lax,” adding, “We have to be ready when they return.”