Minister Farrakhan: There is a saying; the only thing that is permanent in creation is change. As long as we live we are engulfed in an eternal process of change. Sometimes, however, we get locked into an era of time that gives us great comfort, because in that era of time we became possessors of a certain knowledge that acquits us in that time period and we became successful.

Success, in any period of time, leads to the mastery of difficulty. The success that leads to the mastery of difficulty produces the ease that comes after difficulty. When ease comes, we are in a position of danger. For the Holy Qur’an warns those of us who live the easy life, because the life of ease takes the struggle out of life.

When one does not have to struggle to know; when one does not have to struggle to become successful; when one does not have to struggle; then in  that  stage of development, one becomes comfortable. But another stage is coming which will cause us to face difficulty again. And it is the refusal to face the difficulty that accompanies change that leaves those in ease unwilling to struggle again. So they get involved or caught up in a time warp which then sentences them to death.


So it is when prophets come into the world bringing revelation. Every new aspect of knowledge produces a new challenge. And those in the older aspect of knowledge who have mastered that aspect of knowledge and have found ease, the struggle of life is gone, for them, and they are more unwilling to accept the challenge of a new revelation which demands struggle, which demands change, which furthers their evolution toward perfection.

Ease makes a person not want perfection. They say: “I’m happy where I am; don’t disturb me.”

So when the new knowledge comes the people that oppose it most are the people who live the easy lives. And this is why Jesus said, ‘It would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.’

Why? Because the kingdom of God demanded a new knowledge. That new knowledge demanded of those who had previously acquitted themselves greatly with the old knowledge, that they become as a child to learn the new. That became difficult for the arrogant and the lofty. So they got lost in a “time warp.”

In order for man to continue the evolutionary journey toward perfection, we must remain humble and know that nature and life is critical. History shows that there is difficulty and after you’ve mastered the difficulty there is ease. When ease comes a new challenge is gong to be presented. And if we can accept the discomfort of the new challenge and rise to that challenge, to struggle to overcome the difficulties presented by that challenge, then we have ease again.

As the Holy Qur’an teaches: “In the alternation of the day and the night in this are signs for those who reflect.”

Brother Jabril:  The Holy Qur’an says Allah straightens in means, whom He pleases. He’s not trying to destroy the person. Please comment.

Minister Farrakhan:  There are some of us whom God keeps in struggle, that He may teach them lessons through struggle and allow them to teach others through their struggle.

The Qur’an says, ‘He straightens the means of subsistence for whom He pleases and He amplifies it for whom He pleases.’ In both instances, the human being is being tried. If your means are straightened, how would you react to that, where God is concern? If your means are amplified, how will you act toward God, Who has amplified your means? So in both instances the human being is under trial. How we react under both circumstances determines how God will favor us in the next season.

Brother Jabril:  So, in each instance He is advancing each person towards that which pleases Him and His pleasure is in bringing us closer to Himself.

Minister Farrakhan:  Absolutely. Absolutely. His pleasure is really the pleasure of the faithful. This is why Job was so beloved of God. No matter what it pleased God to do to Job–which was really for Job–Job would never curse God. His words are there, according to the Bible, ‘I will wait until my change comes.’

That meant he was patient and long suffering. It meant that he knew his change was coming. And it did come. And although the story ends with Job in great wealth, what he learned through the time of the straightening of his means of subsistence was complete reliance on God. So that when he came into wealth, the wealth never altered his perception of God and great became the character that was developed through the struggle to survive when he lost everything.

Brother Jabril:  Your wonderful sense of humor is a factor in your ability to persevere under this tremendous pressure. The very source of the quality of your sense of humor, as I have had a chance to witness it, is tremendously illustrated in the work of the cartoonist against you, which we’ve discussed. The way you react and handled that entire episode is a perfect illustration of the truth of what you just said–the ability not to take oneself so seriously which is related to not making oneself the center of reality, but to be Godcentered. That’s what I was driving at. Your sense of humor comes from a quality of character which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad demonstrated among us.

Now Brother Minister, it’s a fact, that any of us who had the privilege of working with you up close well knows, or anyone who has observed you from a distance, but has knowledge of you will bear witness to the same. I’m referring to your stupendous and the strenuous nature of your travels; which you have kept up non-stop, in fulfillment of your assignment. It’s a fact that you have a schedule that is practically unbelievable, especially the traveling schedule, which is ‘unreal.’

Now, to what degree do you feel love motivates or fuels you to do what you do in the way that you do it?

Minister Farrakhan:  That’s the answer. Love is the power. Love is the force. Love is the gasoline or the fuel that allows one, such as myself, to do what I do and appear indefatigable, untiring, not worn by what one does and it is precisely because I love so much what I’m doing.

I love to impart knowledge. I love to see the eyes of human beings come open to truths that means something or can be a motivating factor to make their personal lives more meaningful. This is what gives meaning to my own life.

As I give I get, as I feed I am fed, as I energize others I too am energized because I believe that’s what I’m borne into this world to do.

Brother Jabril:  Thank you Minister Farrakhan.

Minister Farrakhan:  You’re welcome.


Please read the above carefully. What caused me to put this out in The Final Call at this time?

More next issue, Allah Willing