I wrote this many years ago after the Honorable Elijah Muhammad “left” America. This involves the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the word “why?”
The word “why” means: for what reason or purpose; reason; on account of which; for which; the reason for which.”

This situation reminds me of two events that happened at the very end of 1974. That happened before I “saw” that I must “get” to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan–very privately. (I was stopped four times earlier, before actually getting to him.)
I mentioned this at this time because we are living in a very, very critical time. Some events then are related to these events now.
In 1974 the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was teaching thousands and thousands of people the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that came from Allah Himself.
There were specific things over a period of years that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to Minister Farrakhan about his worth and the future. Witnesses were present. Here is some of what was said.
I was not there. But I learned from others later and I learned from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
In the late 1960s in Chicago, at his dining room table, in front of others, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad began telling his minister, Minister Farrakhan, that in a very special way he was his representative.
Among these comments were that he had been looking for someone who could speak his message in such a way that he would recognize it as his own when he heard it again. Even in this he was hinting that there would come a time when his teaching would not be heard, that he would be gone, but that it would be heard again, and that he (Minister Farrakhan) would bear the message.
One night he asked his servant, Minister Farrakhan, what was meant by the Teachings of the Bible that Jesus fasted for forty days in the wilderness? In the course of answering his own questions, he suggested that it referred to his own work. Although he did not make it too clear, he did say that it referred to his not having made, and not being permitted, to make a convert in forty years.
As we were to later see, this had reference to making a convert to himself after he had departed–a convert to himself in his glorified state. Minister Farrakhan is that convert.
Let us remember, when Moses returned, he revealed the new teachings to and through Aaron. There is much here for us to learn.
On another night not long after, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad strongly hinted, without having used the name “Aaron,” that his minister’s relation to him was like that of Aaron to Moses. One of the Sisters present clearly saw the implication and exclaimed that Minister Farrakhan was the Aaron of One man’s intrinsic value in divine work in the Bible.
A little later, on another occasion, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad became more specific. He told his Minister outright that he had been praying for, and waiting upon, for 38 years, a minister to help him in his work; that he–Minister Farrakhan–was the answer to his prayer for a helper–a special helper– just as Moses prayed for a helper from his family and was given Aaron.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said this in front of others. In a very direct way, he told Minister Farrakhan that he was the “Aaron” of the scriptures and that he had been looking for him for 38 years.
This was around April 1968.
Now, mind you, he had already been working on, with and through Minister Farrakhan for several years.
On certain occasions onward throughout 1968 and 1969, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad added to what he was telling Minister Farrakhan about his relation to himself; his intrinsic value in the divine work; and he gave him insight into his future.
One day the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to Minister Farrakhan: “I did not make you brother.” The Minister responded, a little excitedly, “Oh yes you did Dear Holy Apostle. Yes you did.” The Honorable Elijah Muhammad sternly told him: “Be quiet and listen.” He repeated that he did not make him. Then he said: “I taught you like I taught the rest, but only Allah made you able to put the teachings together, in the unique way that you have of putting the teachings together. Allah prepared you for me.”
What is involved in Allah’s preparation of a human being to serve others in this unique way? This is something to ponder: a man who is the direct work of God, to serve His highest purposes.
Such a man is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Such a man is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad repeated that which he said on an earlier occasion that Minister Farrakhan was the answer to his prayer for a helper from his family.
Not long afterward he used the same words that you can find in Chapter 7, verse 142, of the Holy Qur’an, that Moses used in speaking to Aaron before he left the physical presence of the people.
The words that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad used were that Minister Farrakhan could “Take my place among my people.” This is exactly what Moses told Aaron before he went to his Lord.
Still later, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad called Minister Farrakhan to Chicago, and at dinner, with the then National Secretary present, Brother John Ali, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “Brother, I called you here so that I may share with you some of my burden.”
How do we react to this?
Many people write books about the Nation of Islam. Of course, I have read some of them. Some are writing books, right now.
What really happened in 1974? Does this relate to now?
In the book Closing The GAP, we can read:
Brother Jabril: Brother Minister, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated that he was given a list of 104 books by Master Fard Muhammad, as part of his studies. After his Teacher’s departure, when he was in Washington, D.C., he said it occurred to him to call his wife to send the list to him. He then began that part of his study. What did you hear him say concerning those books and their contents and what were they for?
Minister Farrakhan: I heard the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say that Master Fard Muhammad gave him 104 books to study. He said the best of those books was the Holy Qur’an. The other books contained certain aspects of and incidents in the life of Prophet Muhammad. Those are his words to me. As I reflected on those words I asked the question, why would Master Fard Muhammad give him the Holy Qur’an, which was the book that details the revelation that Allah gave to Muhammad, and 103 books (making the 104) dealing with specific aspects of the life of Prophet Muhammad, that gives the context or circumstances that surrounded that revelation and the instructions that Allah gave to him concerning his mission and this revelation?
When I reflected on that, I thought that the path that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was to travel was to use the footsteps of the Prophet to guide him in establishing the faith of Islam in the United States of America. So as Prophet Muhammad walked and worked in Arabia, so Elijah Muhammad, his companions, his followers would work for the establishment of Islam in America.
Before Prophet Muhammad departed this life he said to his followers, “If you follow this Qur’an and my Sunnah, you will never deviate from the straight path of God.”
From what I understand the Sunnah represents his actions in accord with the directions that he received from Allah in the establishment of the Qur’an and Islam.
By Master Fard Muhammad giving the Honorable Elijah Muhammad the Qur’an and giving him the footsteps of the Prophet, it seems to me that He was saying to His Messenger that the path that you will follow, if you follow this book–Qur’an–and the steps that the Prophet was guided to make in establishing the faith, plus the wisdom that I’m giving you of these books, you will never deviate and those who follow you will never deviate from the straight path of God.
How do you see this?
More next issue, Allah willing,