We can read in The Holy Qur’an 8:30: “And when those who disbelieved devised plans against thee that they might confine thee or slay thee or drive thee away–and they devised plans and Allah, too, had arranged a plan; and Allah is the best of planners.”
Holy Qur’an Chapter 3:187, 188: “Think not that those who exult in what they have done, and love to be praised for what they have not done–think not them to be safe from the chastisement; and for them is a painful chastisement.
“And Allah’s the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is Possessor of power over all things.” (Maulana Muhammad Ali translation.)

Maulana Muhammad Ali translation.)
The word context means: “the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed; the parts of something writ-ten or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.” That involves much.
I was in the process of making a book that involves The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan but things happened that stopped me.
The following is from another book I was working on before Closing The Gap.
Minister Farrakhan: One day I was playing in a nightclub in Chicago called the Blue Angel. I was singing my Calypso. It was time for the Muslim convention. A friend of mine said that Elijah Muhammad was speaking. I said yes, I’ll come right now. Where is he?
I went on down to the Temple. They re-ally shook me up and searched me out. I have never visited a place where people raised my hand, went in my pockets and everything. I said, “Hey, how you doing baby.” You know how we are in show business. I had my little dew on. Talking about “hey baby, what’s happening, what’s going on?”
They took my wife and put her in an-other room. I couldn’t understand that. They took me and put me in the balcony with the rest of the Muslims. These were the strangest looking people in the world. I met people, saw people that I knew growing up. I was waving at them across the aisle. They were looking at me with that stone expression. All of a sudden I heard somebody say, “Attention!” Everybody stood up! “The Messenger of Allah.” I heard these little feet then the Honorable Elijah Muhammad got up on the speakers stand and said, “As-Salaam-Alaikum.”
If you’ve ever listened to him speak, you really had to love to hear what he had to say in order to listen to what he had to say. But, he said, “In the name of Allah the most Merciful to whom all Holy Praises is due. … ” I grew up in Boston, an “A” student in English. When I heard this man say to whom all holy praises is due, instead of are due, I said ‘awe hell, this man can’t even talk.’
Malcolm was on the rostrum with the Honor-able Elijah Muhammad and others. And they put the Captain right next to Minister Farrakhan so that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad could see him. “Then he looked right up in my face and said, ‘Brother, I didn’t get a chance to go to the schools as you did.’
“When I got there the door was closing. But brother don’t you pay no attention to how I’m saying. Pay attention to what I’m saying and then you take it and put it in that fine language that you know.”
“I’m scared to death now. How did this man know what I was thinking about him?”
The above involves Minister Farrakhan and what caused the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to see him in 1955 and what caused him to give him his assignment, right then and there in the Temple in Chicago at that time.
Why at that time?
In Closing The Gap Minister Farrakhan spoke of two kinds of helpers who come to help “leaders of consequence, particularly divine leaders … .”
Minister Farrakhan: His help has to evolve with him. All of his help may not necessarily have been formed under the unique circumstances that led to his evolutionary development from before he was actually in physical form, even while that which produced him was being formed.
A little later he stated: “Now, therefore, God, in helping His servants (the prophets) gives them help from Himself, which is the best help. That help is the best help because they grow along the same long lines that he grew under. They’re formed in the same way that he is formed and their heart is formed in the same way his heart is formed. There-fore, these helpers see into this man what other helpers don’t, or may not see, because the latter were not made from God to be his helpers, in the same way or degree, as the former helpers.
“However, they (the latter) accept-ed the role of a helper. Nevertheless, if they don’t stay in constant submission; in constant obedience; in constant study; and in constant growth; then gaps will develop between the teacher and the student that will lead the student (sometimes) to be critical of the teacher when the teacher grows beyond the particular need of that helper that motivated that helper to first want to help.”
In a 1936 letter to some of his ministers, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote, “The wise man is he who has made a careful study of the past events, of ancient and modern history. The knowledge of the future is judged by the knowledge of the past.
“There are some men who are born with the gift of prophecy, while others are trained into it through an intense study of history.”
“However Minister Farrakhan said these words, ‘Pete Rose lacked the natural talent of Ty Cobb, who was a baseball player of extraordinary gifts, who became one of the greatest base-ball players of all time. Pete Rose was nicknamed ‘Charlie Hustle’ because of how hard he worked at his chosen profession. He made himself into one of the best who ever played that game. He ended his career with more hits than Mr. Cobb and everyone else.’ ”
Why I’m writing this article now with these words and for what reason or purpose? I’ll explain fully next article, Allah willing.
More next issue, Allah willing.