By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM

Sister Sandy Muhammad, Student National Captain of the Muslim Girls Training and General Civilization Class speaks at the Holy Day of Atonement commemoration, Oct. 19 at the National Arena in Kingston, Jamaica. Photo: Hannibal Muhammad

National MGT & GCC Captain Sandy Muhammad rocks National Arena

KINGSTON, Jamaica ( – It would be an understatement to say that Sandy Muhammad, Student National MGT & GCC Captain of the Nation of Islam,   left a lasting impression when she spoke to Jamaica, the Caribbean and the world during the Oct. 19 commemoration of the 19th anniversary of the Million Man March.

In approximately 12 minutes, she delivered a power-packed, striking, soul-moving, awe-inspiring message, and call to action.


Many who witnessed her testimony said the trainer of Muslim women and girls not only spoke the part, but also looked like the embodiment of the repair and reformation of the Black woman that the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad are ushering in.  

Ms. Muhammad’s spirited expression drew standing ovations numerous times, starting when she underscored how the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan loves Black people so much he’s sacrificed his life, family, and all for Black liberation across the world.

“He’s a man with no fear in his heart. He is a man that does not bow down to Satan. He is a divine reminder to the entire world, no matter what color you are, class, creed,” said Ms. Muhammad.

In just a short time, the Haitian native impressed the Caribbean and the world with her representation of the Nation of Islam. She thanked Jamaica for welcoming the Muslims in great fashion.

With grace and conviction, through scripture and historical evidence, she explained the divine role of the woman. She detailed how Islam dignifies the Black woman. She explained key Nation of Islam principles, which include the respect, education, elevation and protection of the female.  

“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that 75 percent of the work is with the woman and 25 percent is with the man. When you teach a man, you teach an individual, but when you teach a woman, you teach an entire nation,” she said as the audience leaped to its feet in applause.

“How important are you, Black woman, to the rise and the continued rise of Jamaica? How important are you, Black woman, to the rise of the Caribbean? How important is the Black woman to the rise of the whole of the entire world? She is the most important part of reformation,” Ms. Muhammad said.

“The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan tells us why … She possesses the womb, the laboratory wherein are fashioned those who will inhabit the world. The womb is where she co-operates and she is an assistant to almighty God for the formation, the reformation and the final completion of the human being.”

Sister Sandy Muhammad led the dignified and refined women of the Nation of Islam who traveled to Jamaica into the streets of Kingston to talk with the people and invite them to hear the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Many of the most disciplined members of the N.O.I.’s male and female security teams in the arena had difficulty containing their reactions to her words.    

“It was she, by Allah’s grace and mercy, that gave birth to Abraham. It was she, by Allah’s grace and mercy, that gave birth to Moses. Jesus had to come by Mary before he got to God. It was she, by Allah’s grace and mercy, that gave birth to Muhammad, so it is by God’s permission that every great prophet came through her, every great thinker came through her, every great scientist, every great person, all of you came through the womb of your mother,” said Ms. Muhammad.

Many told The Final Call they were captivated by her presence, articulation, intellect and conviction from beginning to end.

Maria McMillan of the United Kingdom even took to Minister Farrakhan’s Facebook page after the program to ask, “How do I become an MGT?”

“I haven’t seen Sis. Sandy before and the way she spoke was just powerful, and it just made me want to join the MGT and start marching.   It had that effect, that militancy … Now is the perfect time for me,” said Ms. McMillan.

“It was just like an immediate reaction. I mean, for the last seven years I’d been studying the Teachings myself, but there was something about Minister Louis Farrakhan’s speech in Jamaica on the 19th that did something. I think a lot of people across the world might have felt that same power. It was just like the final call for real, you know,” she wrote.