By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM

(top) Women of the MGT & GCC class escorted by the FOI walk throughout downtown Kingston to invite locals to hear the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s keynote address. (CW Left to Right) Student National MGT & GCC Captain, Sandy Muhammad passes out postcards to invite a woman to the Holy Day of Atonement. | Beautifully adorned in their garments, Nation of Islam women prepare to distribute invitation cards to the people of Kingston, Jamaica.| Sister Terri Muhammad (far right), wife of student Minister Nuri Muhammad of Indianapolis takes a moment to talk to women in Kingston. | A sister distributes invitations to the Holy Day of Atonement address by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. | Residents of Kingston hold invite card.

KINGSTON, Jamaica ( – The scripture says that God will send saviours after his people and a host of Muslim women and girls as young as 11-years-old went into the streets of Jamaica’s capital to serve and to save people.

As one of the buses carrying about two dozen Muslim sisters pulled out of the Pegasus Hotel, the excited group broke into an exuberating rendition of the M.G.T. Song. Student National MGT-GCC Captain Sandy Muhammad led the group into several areas of downtown Kingston.  

Adorned in pastel colored garments covering their hair and bodies, the female followers of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan exhibited humility, love, kindness, and kinship with those they encountered.


Under the watchful eyes and protective arms of the F.O.I.–male members of the Nation of Islam–the Muslim sisters embraced the women of Kingston, took pictures with them and urged their Jamaican sisters to come hear a message that had changed their lives. They distributed postcard-sized invitations to come hear Minister Farrakhan’s historic message to commemorate the 19th Anniversary of the 1995 Million Man March.

“This is so beautiful! This is my first registered Holy Day of Atonement, my first time out of the country. I am just overwhelmed! You really see God in our people, ya’ll! When they gave me the greetings, they knew who we were and I was just like, ‘Peace! Peace!’   I’m overwhelmed with happiness and it’s like you’re looking at your brothers and sisters for real,” said Melinda X of the Nation of Islam Study Group in Austin, Texas.

“The most inspiring moment was when the sister said, ‘You are my family.’ That was just a blessing,” said one young Muslim who fought back tears as she spoke.   She traveled from Newark’s Mosque No. 25 to Jamaica in a mission to share and save instead of spending all her time in the fun and the sun.

Malika 4X of Mosque Maryam in Chicago felt the best part of her experience was seeing how enamored the people were with the Muslim women. “They couldn’t even take their eyes off of us and even if they didn’t want a pamphlet, they took one because they just couldn’t believe the beauty of someone that looks just like them,” she said.

“The greatest impact that I felt during this push was seeing the condition of our people. I now see why this is one of the greatest tours that the Minister has yet to take us on nationally or internationally. If we don’t get up and do something today, we deserve to die along with our people because our people are suffering. It took me to a totally different awareness of what our mission is all about as far as the resurrection of our people,” said Helen Muhammad of Mosque No. 45 in Houston.

“The impact that I felt is just looking in our people’s eyes and just seeing that we all look alike. I was seeing people that look like people from America, and the way the devil has just separated us. We’re all one people, and we’ve been taught that, but to come internationally, this is my first time abroad, and I thank Allah and I thank my husband because he made it possible,” said Rosetta Muhammad of Mosque No. 27 in Los Angeles.

Raylene Muhammad from Mosque No. 4 in Washington, D.C. said Minister Farrakhan’s vision and faith were incredible. “He would not have sent us out if he did not know we would be received well by these people, our people! To see the awe and look on their faces and how they paved ways for us, and the brothers, some that weren’t F.O.I., were paving a way for us, making sure we were safe. I am just blessed to be a part of this number,” she said.

“I’m having goose bumps right now, mon. Just looking at the energy. You guys are bright. It’s pure. It’s good. This is positive. It’s just positive energy and I’m just looking and listening and feeling the energy. It’s serious,” said Maurice, the Jamaican driver for the busload of sisters.