You can read in the Detroit Free Press newspaper dated Monday February 28, 2014 these words:

“In a fiery speech delivered to 18,000 at Joe Louis Arena, Minister Louis Farrakhan blasted the U.S. Judicial system as being biased against African Americans, calling upon the community to set up its own courts.

“ ‘We want equal justice under the law,’ Farrakhan said on the last day of the Nation of Islam’s annual convention, held in Detroit this year. ‘Our people can’t take much more. We have to have our own courts. You failed us.’


“With U.S. Rep. John Conyers a Detroit Democrat, and Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones sitting behind him, Farrakhan spoke for nearly three hours. He urged unity among Muslim and Christian leaders, saying that ‘Jesus and Muhammad would be arm in arm,’ and he reiterated the Nation of Islam’s view that the U.S. is a land headed for destruction unless it starts to obey the word of God.

“The crowd often clapped and roared in approval during his talk, which included a discussion of African-American civil rights leaders over the past century.”

I intend to make a comment on the above and the words contained in the Detroit newspaper about the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day address.

The photos are part of my article that I made.

I want to see and hear Minister Farrakhan’s words in Detroit before I fully respond. This involves my previous article.

More next issue, Allah willing.