Debate has escalated in recent days on whether the United States should engage in yet another war and strike Damascus, Syria.
President Barack Obama gave an Aug. 31 statement from the White House Rose Garden laying out the case for U.S. intervention in Syria and his willingness to seek the approval of Congress and the Senate before acting.
After viewing the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s weekly broadcast, “The Time and What Must Be Done” Part 34, I believe the Minister’s analysis is most timely and important in the discussion on Syria and world events. Minister Farrakhan brought a level of clarity about the civil war in Syria and the worsening political struggles in the Middle East and he laid out why President Obama should just say no to another war in the region. Now that President Obama is placing it with congressional leaders and the Senate to decide, it is crucial what happens over coming days.
I would strongly suggest that our community, concerned Americans in general, and leaders throughout the world listen to Minister Farrakhan about the time and complex circumstances we are confronted with. In his broadcast, the Minister stoked our conscience to think about the American soldiers who lost their lives, who are maimed, having a difficult time adjusting back into society and the rising rate of suicides among veterans.
Meanwhile the president of the greatest nation on earth today is being pressured by the military establishment toward war which will be a great tragedy for the American people and the world. In his broadcast, Minister Farrakhan talked about the role of the military industrial complex and those who benefit from the control of the oil fields and other natural resources. The Minister presented a chart of the 2014 budget showing the U.S. military receiving 57 percent of the total budget. This is another reason why President Obama should just say no.
The Minister highlighted how wicked elements in and around the U.S. government and its leadership targeted seven Muslim and Arab nations that they wanted to overthrow, destroy and control; namely Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
Each one of these that they have meddled in thus far has been reduced to chaos including those nations led by–what they called–the worst of leaders. There is an axiom that all students should learn, “those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.”
Hopefully, President Obama is aware of counter forces within America whose agenda is to make sure his legacy is tarnished and the people of America turn against him. In the beginning of his presidency, President Obama was expected to help bring democracy to the Muslim World; but now in his second term, for the people in the Middle East, his star has waned because he has only added to the mayhem in the Muslim World that the George W. Bush administration began.
In Minister Farrakhan’s broadcast, he cited “America’s errant foreign policy” with President Obama’s indecisive role in the current confusion in Egypt–a long time U.S. ally. The first democratic elections in the history of Egypt elected Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, only to be nullified and aborted by the military with the tacit backing of the United States. Annually, the Egyptian military enjoys over $1 billion in aid from the U.S.
The broadcast also covered the destructive disastrous takeover of Libya and the execution of Brother Leader Muammar Gadhafi and why they went all out to murder him–all under President Obama’s watch. Minister Farrakhan also touched on Barrack Obama struggling with the next step in his presidency and the kind of legacy he will leave. It is obvious because of the condition of the world, President Obama cannot make too many missteps and as president, he has the right to re-evaluate his next step.
On President Bashar al-Assad and Syria, President Obama drew a “red line” that if crossed, he threatened to take a course of action; however such action will only recreate chaos in another Muslim country. In fact, he has the right to step back and not be pressured by lobbyists working for Zionist Israel, nor the war hawks within his own government who say not dropping bombs on Damascus will make his leadership look weak.
Mr. President, my humble advice is to take a listen to Minister Louis Farrakhan and what he laid out as the results of you calling to strike Syria. Barack Obama is the president of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of its military; he has the right and power to change his mind. This is why President Obama should say no to war on Syria.
(A. Akbar Muhammad can be reached for comments at [email protected])