CHICAGO (FinalCall.com) – A Dianetics Communications workshop was held at the National Center, Mosque Maryam in Chicago Illinois. The instructors were Brother Ahmad Muhammad, Brother Troy 5X and Sister Tania Muhammad, who were assisted by Brother Broderick Muhammad and Sister Khallada Farrakhan.
This workshop came about when it became clear that much friction and conflict could be attributed to the lack of proper communication. The aim of the workshop is to give a tool of communication to the Auditors to help them become more effective at listening and at getting questions answered.
Although it was initially only for the Chicago’s Nation of Islam Auditors, it was decided that it could also benefit the student laborers this could greatly benefit those who labor as well so an invitation was extended to the student officers. Student Minister Ishmael R. Muhammad, Central Regional Student F.O.I. Captain Anthony Muhammad and Sister National M.G.T. & G.C.C. Student Captain Sandy Muhammad thought that it was such a good idea; they made it mandatory for the student officers and staff members under their charge to attend.
As the participants arrived, it was obvious that many were present under duress and said as much. However, before the end of the first day, the energy and the spirit in the room went through the roof. Brother Ahmad, who serves as the assistant to National Student Auditing Coordinator A’ishah Muhammad here in Chicago, said he had never before witnessed the kind of energy and joy he saw that day.
At the end of the second day, each participant was recognized and awarded a certificate. It was wonderful to see the exuberance and the joy that came with each name that was announced. The participants had no problem expressing their appreciation and admitted forthrightly that although they came feeling their “arms had been twisted,” they were so happy to have participated. They were completely and pleasantly surprised to have learned something so practical that they could apply every day to better their lives. Now, because of the demand, a follow-up communications workshop is planned, as well as a citywide Life-Repair Seminar, in the coming weeks.
(Below are some words from participants in the weekend’s communication workshop and are being published with their permission. The individuals are from Chicago, unless otherwise noted.)
“This communication seminar was very informative. I thank Allah for the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Mr. L. Ron Hubbard’s technology. I had so much fun and I learned so much about myself. The most challenging drill for me was the bull-baiting. The second day was a lot easier for me to just be there, confront and handle myself. I am so glad I attended this wonderful seminar.” —Sister Pamela Agrebesola
“I learned some very valuable skills and tools on communicating with others, in passing pertinent information and receiving a complete answer. It’s also valuable to know how to read discomfort in an individual’s face, and not to be diverted from my objective when an individual attempts to redirect conversation.”–Brother Lyle Muhammad
“All Praise is due to Allah! A realization that I have experienced due to the workshop was my inability to maintain composure or a serious demeanor all the time when someone is talking to me, or when I am talking to someone. To get my point across, especially to my children (or anyone), I must rise above emotion into the Thinking of God in order to be successful in delivering my task/point/The Mission. I am thankful to The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for making this tool available for us here at Mosque Maryam this weekend.”–Sister Nicole Muhammad
“The information that was shared is definitely useful and invaluable. It can be practiced at home with family, in the workplace and everywhere in between. The drills were great and allowed us to learn things about ourselves. I would absolutely encourage other people to take this course, and I don’t think age should be a requisite to participate. If I’d learn these principles earlier in life, there’s no telling where I would be today.” —Brother Randal Muhammad
“Really enjoyed experiencing the communication course. Though I have been working on bettering my method of communication, this course surely showed me that I still have some work today. The bullbaiting IS THE BEST!! I feel that drills allows you to confront those areas that effect your ability to communicate properly. As a mother, wife, lieutenant, I plan to use these skills to communicate effectively with those around me.”–Sister Aamilah B. Muhammad
“The greatest lesson I learned from this two-day seminar is how to be present in the moment. Often times we are so busy and move so quickly that it’s challenging to just stop and be in the moment whether its to just take something in or contemplating what they are saying to you and acknowledging what they are saying. I think that mastering the ability to be present and acknowledging others is a great skill that should be learned and practiced by all of us, especially those of us who work with others as officers. It will help us to be better servants to people.” —Sister Kacia Muhammad
“This workshop on communication has really taught me how poor a communicator I have been. First of all I am “not there” all the time when someone needs my attention. Instead of confronting a person, I am confrontational. The Bullbaiting made me feel more acceptable or acknowledge(able) about my insecurities. Hopefully, I can deal with them without causing emotion. I also realize that handling origination is vital to communication. It takes practice, I know, but I am going to consciously work on improving my communication skills.” –Sister Janice Y. Muhammad
“This workshop was very good for me because I have avoided taking it because of the “bullbaiting” portion. Now I know that I didn’t realize why that portion was needed to communicate effectively. That’s a win for me, because I would always walk away from that type of encounter, even when people were so-called, “just playing.” Of course, the clip of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan showed me how it is needed. I also know that because of this workshop, I will have different encounters with the children that I’m with everyday. This also is a win because now I know how to acknowledge them so that we both will understand our goals.” —Sister Zenobia X
“The two-day workshop was very beneficial in that I learned the value of acknowledging others in the stream of communication flowing. Also, I realize that sometimes the manner and way that I respond to others can be the means by which they may shut down in communication. So I’m going to take these valuable skills and put them into practice.” Brother Saabir Muhammad (Auditor from Muhammad Mosque No 18, Cleveland, OH.)
“The keys to successful communication was given in this class. It’s amazing how the level of ARC (Affinity, Reality, Communication) is so important when dialoguing. As the person starting the conversation, I learned that clear and detailed information is important to get a certain effect. As the person (cause) is important to verify by having the receiver duplicate (repeat) to ensure understanding. The drills were awesome, they allow control of self when dealing with individuals or groups. The drills became easier with understanding and practice. I will not only practice the confronting and just being there (mentally) and also use the other techs when dealing/communicating with people in my environment, home, work, org., mosque, etc. Thank you all for taking time out of your schedules to teach these valuable tools to me and us. It is greatly appreciated. All Praise is Due To Allah for such a great brother and sisterhood. Love you, All. Thanks again.”–Sister Marilyn Muhammad
“The communication workshop was beneficial from start to finish. The presentations were concise and easy to understand. All of the presenters were knowledgeable of the information being presented, given excellent mock trials to ensure drills were practiced correctly. I believe that the course has added more confidence to my ability to communicate. I would recommend this course to family believers, and others. Thank you.”–Brother Daniel D. 6X