BENTON HARBOR, Mich. (FinalCall.com) – The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was presented with the Key to the City of Benton Harbor following his message at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church July 27.

In his subject: “Nazareth! Can Any Good Come From There?” the Minister said despite being freed from chattel slavery, the people are not truly free. He also said true advocates of the poor are few and far between.  

“If we were really free–there would be no need for me to be here tonight,” Minister Farrakhan told the capacity crowd.    


He described how important it was for political, spiritual and community leaders to know and understand Jesus, because his life was an example of how leaders must be courageous enough to speak truth to power.

The Minister last spoke in Benton Harbor at Lake Michigan College, June 5, 2009 in defense of local NAACP President, Reverend Edward Pinkney, who at the time was under house arrest related to charges that many in the community believe were in retaliation for his outspoken activism.

Look for upcoming additional coverage on this story.