(FinalCall.com) – First and foremost all the Prisoners who are incarcerated at U.S.P. Pollock in Pollock, La., were left rejuvenated with the inspiring teaching delivered by the Prison Reform Student Minister Abdullah Muhammad, head of the Nation of Islam Prison Reform Ministry. Brother Abdullah made a plethora of points from the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Louis Farrakhan. He made relevant the Bible and Qur’an making them plain and showing us ourselves in the books.

A brother from Jamaica said, “Abdullah is real. He kept it real and you will never forget what he said for the rest of your life.” Brother Abdullah spoke about Jehovah, Moses, Aaron, the scripture being fulfilled in the modern day and times through Master Fard Muhammad, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan.

A brother from Trinidad said, “Abdullah was the fi rst speaker I ever heard from the Nation. I enjoyed everything he said. He is real and you can tell that he had been through what we are going through right now in our lives.” I myself was personally motivated by every word delivered by our brother. He addressed the issues of prison life and how brothers in prison kill each other for TV’s and cells.


Brother Chris from the Moor Science Temple stated, “The brother touched on things that a convict perhaps could not touch without repercussions and that was good. Coming from him we all can accept it but it was good to hear things from him. He was in the position to speak on those things.”

A brother from Oklahoma City said, “I like the way he broke down how Jesus returned as a Gardener and men are to be Gardeners by the way we care for, address and protect our women like a gardener does his garden.” Antonio Ruff said, “Several things grasped my attention: His tremendous voice, the action and animation he used to make his points and the powerful subjects he brought forth to his listeners. It was a divine session, breathtaking, witty, truthful and totally enjoyable.”

Another brother from Omaha, Neb., named McKay said, “His visit created a sense of importance and fellowship with men of African descent with different cultural backgrounds, and religious beliefs that came together in unity to receive the motivational message. He explained his experiences similar to ours. All nervous energy and feeling alienated, dissipated while receiving his message.”

Brother Abdullah made it plain how “his faith and practice in what he believes makes him fearless.”

McKay added, “I enjoyed his explanation of how you can become like your leader through discipline.” A Rastafarian from Guyana said, “I loved his message of oneness and respect for our women and that makes me look to her more.” Brother Abdullah asked the question, “How far away from truth is George Washington didn’t tell a lie, and how far from truth is Christopher Columbus discovered America?”

A few Native Indians came out to hear Brother Abdullah and one named Q stated, “I enjoyed everything he said. Especially about how could Columbus discovered America when the Indians were on the shore watching Columbus on the seas approaching.”

Several Puerto Ricans said, anytime that brother comes back here to speak “we will be there to hear him.”

Once word traveled through the rest of the institution about the powerful brother who came from Chicago to speak, the remnant of those who chose not to attend regretted not coming. They had no idea the event would be such a success.

But, from those who were interested at first because their families were followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad or are under Minister Farrakhan felt spiritually rejuvenated by the overall message. It sparked many conversations that brought out passion and mixed emotions.

There were a few who attended that didn’t give any remarks but simply smiled and threw a thumb up for what they heard from Brother Abdullah. There was an attempt to undermine Brother Abdullah’s visit after his departure, not from the inmates, it did not undo good experiences with Brother Abdullah’s message to a large crowd of brothers.

I close with the beautiful greetings of peace and paradise, As-Salaam Alaikum. Thank you, Brother Abdullah, for your visit and for taking time to teach us who are in the belly of the beast.

Love, Sherwin X