The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said this, and we should study his words, carefully.

“Well under a trial like the ones in the 113th and 114th surahs, it would be hard to remain united with that which becomes a victim of the darkness of the evil suggestions of the hatred; of the murder plots of the whispering. So Allah says in the Qur’an, ‘He will separate us and put like with like.’

“So under such darkness the hypocrites will be with the hypocrites. The disbelievers will be with the disbelievers. And through the darkness the Believers carrying his light with him will find another Believer and remain united with those who persevere and are steadfast under such a tremendous trial.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave us a prayer to say. It is a prayer of refuge. This prayer of refuge, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad asked us to say it seven times a day. ‘I seek refuge in Allah from anxiety and grief, from the lack of strength and laziness, from cowardice and niggardliness. From being overpowered by debt and the oppression of men.’

“The supplicant asks, ‘Suffice thou me with what is lawful and keep me away from what is prohibited. And with your grace make me free from want of what is beside you.’

“If we act on this prayer, and the things that this prayer is asking Allah to give us refuge from, this ties to the last two chapters of refuge. Because when the darkness comes and so many fall, we would be full of anxiety. We may loose cherished possessions and people whom we love which bring about grief.

“In that hour we seek refuge from anxiety and grief. And then, the loss of strength, which is attacking our faith, for the scripture says, ‘The race is not to the swift, or the strong, but to that one who can endure to the end.’ That is great faith. Great strength.

“When you seek refuge in Allah from the lack of strength and then the lack of strength makes one lazy in the performance of duty. Because even though we’re going through a dark period that does not absolve us from requisite duty; duty to God; duty to self; duty to wife; duty to children; duty to community and duty to nation. So when you loose strength then you become lazy in the performance of duty.

“Then, of course, you seek refuge from niggardliness, miserliness, not willing to share what we know, or what we have with a fellow-suffering Believer.

“In that hour famine may arise in the land. If the Believer has a bowl of soup and brother Believer has none, then a brother Believer has a claim on half of that bowl. But, if we’re niggardly, or miserly, and want to hoard and hold, then we are doubting that Allah would be sufficient for us.

“We seek refuge from anxiety and grief and from the lack of strength and laziness and from cowardice and niggardliness. Niggardliness is cowardice because it shows fear that the God will not suffice me tomorrow, as He sufficed me today. So I should be niggardly with my substance today in fear that I won’t have something tomorrow.

“Cowardice in the hour of trial would cause us to fall. So we must seek refuge in Allah and challenge what we fear. Allah says, ‘Surely I will try you with something of fear, hunger, loss of property; loss of life, diminution of fruit. So give good news to those who are patient and steadfast under trial because they seek refuge in Allah, the Lord of the dawn; the Lord of men; the King of men and the God of men.’ ”

“Then, ‘I seek refuge from being overpowered by debt and the oppression of men.’ Debt is a form of slavery and oppression. So in a dark hour you don’t want to get into debt, you want to strive to get out of debt because by means of debt you’ll be oppressed–‘I’ll take your car.’ ‘I’ll take your home.’ “I’ll take whatever you owe because you don’t have money to pay your note then you loose it.’ Well, seek refuge in Allah.

“Lastly, ‘Suffice thou me with what is lawful’ in a season of great temptation when evil is made fair seeming. Please, Allah, suffice me. Be sufficient for me in what is lawful in your sight and make me free from any want of what is beside what you want for me and for us.’

“If we can do that, more than likely, we will survive the darkness into the dawn of a brand new day.”

Brother Jabril: Thank you, Brother Minister.

That comes from the book: Closing The Gap.

Now, last year (2010), the most powerful Jews, in America, gave their reaction to Minister Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day address titled; The Time And What Must Be Done; The Wheel on February 28, 2010.

Minister Farrakhan made a powerful statement to the world. The most powerful Jew in America reacted to him. And then the planes reacted. Who control those planes? Minister Farrakhan made it public and very clear in his address.

They made it very public that they are with Minister Farrakhan’s pronouncement on that day!

That means we must see, talk and write to others that we are living in the time of judgment! Minister Farrakhan has made this very, very clear all over the earth.

(I’m inserting these words on September 11th, so you can read this article in context.

(On Saturday September 10th Minister Farrakhan spoke to the Vanguards of the Nation of Islam. The next day, he spoke to the world. It was titled: The Divine Nature and Value of the Women.

(In that address Minister Farrakhan mentioned that some members of his family, and himself, witnessed those planes after he addressed the Vanguards.

(The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan have told the world of these planes, in a very big way. Some call them, Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). They know better 100%.

(Anyone could see and hear Minister Farrakhan on the webcast that day.)

(That event, reminds me, when I was in Chicago, with others, who saw those “planes.” I’ve started that series after my experience and sent it to The Final Call starting with Vol. 30 No. 28. It was sent on April 9th 2011. I’ve continued right to now.)

I wanted millions or more people to see the truth of Minister Farrakhan’s more than a vision experience and before.


In the early 90’s, I asked Brother Akbar, who loves Minister Farrakhan, these few questions.

Brother Jabril: When did you hear of, or from Minister Farrakhan? How did his name first come up in your hearing?

Brother Akbar: I believe it was June 1960. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad came to New York. They had the meeting at the 369th Armory and I had went to the meeting. I had first heard Islam February 15, 1960.

When I went to that meeting, Minister Farrakhan–he was Minister Louis X, at that time–and he came from Boston. He was involved in taking up the public collection.

He said something humorous. I looked up at him and I said to myself, this man looks about 17. I said this movement is definitely for me.

I said look at the young people. I said this man looks about 17. So at the time I was 18. That was the first time I had heard him speak.

Then I heard him speak a few times after that before I met him directly. When Malcolm would go out of town, he would invite him down from Boston.

Brother Jabril: By this time you had come to the Mosque?

Brother Akbar: Yes, well, I hadn’t had my X yet, but I was coming to the Mosque regularly.

Brother Jabril: This is still 1960?

Brother Akbar: Yes.

Brother Jabril: Were you still in high school?

Brother Akbar: I was just coming out of high school, yes. I would go to the Mosque, and some of the weeks that Malcolm was not there, he would invite Minister Farrakhan down.

I first met him, actually met him in 1962. I can’t think of the occasion. I was already in the Mosque.

I believe the first time that I met him, I may have just shook his hand in Manhattan. I remember after we opened the Mosque. I think that was in ‘63–the early part of ‘63.

Malcolm opened the Mosque on Northern Boulevard, in Corona. Minister Farrakhan had taught that Sunday in Manhattan. I was the new assistant minister then.

He came …

Brother Jabril: Assistant minister under who?

Brother Akbar: I was assistant minister under, Minister Benjamin, but Malcolm had allowed me to start opening up, because I was the top paper seller in the Mosque. In 1962 I was the top paper seller.

So in ‘63, one day, he (Minister Farrakhan) came down. He taught in Manhattan, then he came out to Corona. So that day I was on the rostrum. I opened up for somebody who opened up for him, and then after that we shook hands and we talked. At that time I was Brother Larry 4X. So that was the first time I actually met him.

Brother Jabril: How did he impress you?

Brother Akbar: Well, the thing that impressed me first about the Minister Farrakhan, was his style of teaching, which was very dramatic, you know. He kept the place alive.

That was my first impression. I didn’t know anything about his background, but he was what I called a live wire.

More next issue, Allah willing.