Starting a business without a bank loan, collateral or revenue. It can be done.


( – With the country still reeling from a devastating economic crisis brought on by rapacious greed and fraud committed by highly placed members within the global financial services industry, many Americans have been forced to consider starting their own businesses.


No longer is the lifelong career promising economic stability, a robust benefits package and a nest egg for retirement an expectation for many.

Whether you are currently working, or among those searching for gainful employment in a tight economy, you need to know your options, and you need direction. This is what makes Cedric Muhammad’s three-volume book series “The Entrepreneurial Secret to Starting a Business” so unique and valuable.

Mr. Muhammad writes: “Even though what we seek to learn about human nature and business is not truly hidden knowledge, it sure does feel that way when you try to locate it all.”

Mr. Muhammad has a lot to offer in his book series, and he possesses an interesting way of presenting his views. What is offered can greatly assist out of work professionals, while at the same time providing an illuminating path for those stuck in a dreadfully unfulfilling job which appears to be a dead end, or worse, headed towards elimination.

Volume One is titled “The Political Economy” and in it, Mr. Muhammad, in a very no-nonsense and conversational tone, breaks down complex economic issues that you encounter each day.

Mr. Muhammad explains why it is seemingly impossible for an entrepreneur to receive a small business loan from a lending institution. Even if one is able to obtain a loan, how can you prevent your money (even profits) from being swallowed up in interest and penalty payments? Mr. Muhammad delivers answers. In fact, Mr. Muhammad goes so far as to say that banks are not the best place for an entrepreneur to seek capital.

What is you may ask? Yet another reason you should read it–in order to access the immediately applicable advice contained within.

He also suggests the current financial crisis is good for small business owners. Initially, you may find his analysis strange however, after you finish reading, you will be surprised to find that your financial outlook has suddenly become brighter.

Shallow sloganeering and complex sounding financial-speak this is not. Mr. Muhammad’s analysis has depth. Nowhere is this shown better than in Volume Two titled “The Business Principles.”

In this book, Mr. Muhammad shares his “secrets” in the areas of networking, etiquette and negotiation. No one seriously interested in business can afford to ignore his wise recommendations. Of central importance is the proper evaluation of one’s support base, when embarking on an entrepreneurial journey, a lesson he learned in 1995 from a friend and mentor over a breakfast meeting in Philadelphia. This includes understanding the Five Power Types and Sources, which include:

  1. Coercive
  2. Reward
  3. Legitimate
  4. Expert
  5. Associative/Referent

He writes: “Since that time, I have advised artists, business leaders, spiritual guides, cultural icons and elected officials on the subject. I am always struck by how often people both underestimate the power of themselves, while overestimating the power of others.”

Drawing from his experience as Chief Strategist to the successful Congressional campaign of Cynthia McKinney, as well as his time as General Manager of Wu-Tang Management, these real life experiences give his writings an added layer of sincerity and credibility often missing from books written by today’s financial advisors. Their advice is no longer relevant in light of the economic reality for a majority of Americans.

The masses are becoming aware of the global manipulation and financial skullduggery that undergirds this world’s economic system. As a result, there is growing hatred for many of the banking giants and goliaths within the financial services industry. There are alternatives, and there is a way out, according to Mr. Muhammad.

Perhaps most significantly, the course he charts in his series of books will resonate with youth, who are the next generation of entrepreneurs. He skillfully provides advice that if heeded, will help them view themselves, their studies, their interests and hobbies through the prism of a global economy in dire need of new ideas.

Because of the historical impact of slavery and Jim Crow, generational wealth among Black people is largely absent. The cases in which Black people have been in a position to pass wealth from generation to generation are rare. Many within the Black community failed to receive adequate financial education from their parents.

The result has been a generation of workers with no desire to build, and consumers who are easy prey for unscrupulous financial managers and victimized by companies whose profits are generated largely through trafficking in high interest loans and overpriced services.

The result of this financial pillage is seen in the inner cities of the United States.

Businesses within most Black communities (if still open) are struggling. An underground economy thrives yet still is no emphasis on building, only conspicuous consumption aiming to impress.

For those who require more by way of credentials (if that’s your thing) he is also Publisher of and in 2008, the African Union named him a member of The First Congress of African Economists for his pioneering work in proposing a single currency for Africa, backed by gold.

Aspects of Mr. Muhammad’s triumphs and disappointments are key portions of the narrative constructed in this set of books. Appropriately, Volume Three is titled “The Personal Struggle.”

In this Volume, Mr. Muhammad delivers indispensable fundamental instructions borne out of personal pain through which he learned valuable lessons that are instructive for others.

There are thousands if not millions of people across the globe who can relate to the words found in the chapter titled “The Secret of Suffering: Genius, Lessons, Character and Wealth Through Pain,” as well as the essential management advice delivered in the chapter titled “The Secret of Will Power–Unite your Self, Before Others.”

What is so troubling is that even though most know something is happening with America’s troubled economy (whether it is tight credit, the reduced value of the dollar or inflation) very few can actually explain what is happening or why it is happening.

Those “financial experts” claiming to understand the cause are unable to explain the very real effects, in a manner that can be understood by the common man. This takes us on a downward spiral of confusion.

Adhering to the principles outlined in Mr. Muhammad’s books will markedly improve the financial literacy of future generations. You’ve heard and read the writings of other financial analysts, and are you any better off? Why not give Mr. Muhammad a try?

Overall, the three-volume set represents over 600 pages of material for you to read study and explore. The author of the book realizes this can be daunting to even the most well intentioned reader, in fact, he even advises you read the books much like you would choose the next song to listen to in your iPod, skipping around to whatever peaks your interest at the time. Suffice it to say, each reader will find a bit of one’s self in several different sections and I can state without fear of being contradicted–guidance can be found within for all.

(Cedric Muhammad’s “The Entrepreneurial Secret” is available at Act now for a special offer available to those purchasing online.)