Photo: Jabril Muhammad

Some years ago, I wrote a series of articles about the right, or the best attitude, for us to have toward misfortunes, especially at this time. This article was a part of that series. It was Volume 21 and Number 5, dated October 28, 2001. It reads, in part:

“Why is “Aaron” mentioned so much with Moses, in the Holy Qur’an by Allah? We must respect the words of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan especially since we all live in the world that is in deep, deep, and deeper trouble. I have tried to make this clear why.

“Context is important. For example, I was blessed to recover from a heart attack and what produced it and what came after that.


“Everyone who has studied Minister Farrakhan knows that he overcame these kinds of “problems,” plus! But he said:

“ ‘If you did not want to struggle, you should never have come. If you did not want misfortune, this is the wrong place for you. I don’t say suicide is a good way out, but if that’s what you wish to do, that’s up to you because you’re not willing to face difficulties, ‘Well let me kill myself. Let me destroy my life.’ Oh that’s so foolish!

“ ‘Your attitude toward the problem will help you to solve it, if you have the correct attitude. For instance, if darkness has overcome you, you say, “In the beginning there were total darkness. Yet there was a light sparkling in the darkness. Surely in this darkness, there is a light. Let me seek it and I shall find it.


“ ‘I heard a Christian preacher say, ‘It is your attitude that will determine your altitude.’ And if you have an improper attitude toward misfortune, you won’t get too high in the sight of God.

“ ‘So to all who may read this, study this, take the attitude of love for God. Love for Allah.

“ ‘Regardless to what He brings or allows into your life, ‘I love you Allah and I thank you, for surely, in my trial, there is good for me because I know you mean good for me. I’ll find good in it.’

“ ‘The good student will always find some good in what the master teacher is doing to them. And in the end, they will understand, that every thing that he did to them, he was their best friend and patron because he did it all for them.’ ”


Day after day, after week after week, after year after year, Minister Farrakhan presents the absolute cure to our spiritual diseases, the worst of which is hypocrisy. Unless we are cured our gifts will prove to be worthless.

Towards the close of Paul’s mission, hypocrisy rapidly increased among his followers, threatening what he and those with him were building.

Even though the hypocrites were brought under control towards the end of Muhammad’s life, they yet hid, ducked, dodged, and stealthily worked and burrowed their way into positions of influence and power. And when they felt the time was right, with their troops, they moved to take over the Caliphate. That closed the work of the four men, called in Islamic history, “the rightly guided Caliphs.”

Look at the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad about hypocrites towards the end of the first phase of his mission. But, be careful how you see that time. It’s written that some were “covered.” In the scriptures it’s written how Minister Farrakhan, and others, including me, were “covered.” It was his preparation to face the worst of the worst of the worst!

We see this in the Jesus’ prophecy in the parable of the wheat and the tares. The Greek word, transliterated “zizania,” is often translated “tares.”

In Jesus’ parable, tares, or darnel (the modern word) refers to a plant that looks like wheat. It’s a different, harmful plant from wheat. It’s not wheat at all. God’s enemies planted it. It’s not very easy for the untrained eye to see, that it is not wheat before it comes to fruit. If you say you have such sight, who trained you?

The darnel becomes really poisonous immediately before and is thus the most dangerous, just before harvest time, when it comes to fruit.

The darnel’s seeds or fruit contain a poisonous soporific drug; a drug that induces deep sleep, or causes one to become drowsy and lethargic. It has in it a narcotic drug causing slumber. Some say it’s poison is in the fungus, which follows the seed. Both are deadly.

“Darnels” are allowed to grow among the “wheat” until harvest. Afterwards it’s separated from the darnels and burned.

Why only at harvest time and not earlier? They grow side by side in the same soil. Pulling up the darnel would damage the roots of the wheat also. To go through a field of wheat pulling up darnel would mean trampling down a lot of wheat, and would damage the roots of the wheat.

One rotten apple can spoil the rest. How does it occur? As it rots it releases an acidic substance, gaseous in form, which gets on and causes the other apples in close proximity to it to likewise become rotten.

So the Messiah said one hypocrite is worse than one hundred disbelievers. So suppose you have 15 or 20 or more such folks? Total madness and chaos!

But despite the presence of such characters, the Nation of Islam will not fall again. The work Minister Farrakhan is doing–right now–is a major factor in its not falling again. The Divine Supreme Being and His Messiah and Their hosts (of whom the wicked are mostly unaware) guarantee Minister Farrakhan’s (and our) success.

The pressures the Believers are now undergoing is a major aspect of their preparation, to fashion them into diamond-like-jewels that they may serve Allah in the next phase of the development of His Kingdom, as it is written in the scriptures.

Remember, “… Allah wastes not the reward of the believers.” Holy Qur’an 3:170.

Those who refuse to drink all of the spiritual medicine Minister Farrakhan continuously offers, which is manifested in our actions, in a major way, as the “golden rule,” as it is called, will soon be separated from the Believers, at a time not far off, as it is written.

Read the parable in chapter 13 of Matthew, about the sowers of God’s truths (the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan) and the types of hearts they work with. We must honestly ask ourselves: into which of the categories mentioned in that parable do we fit, at present?

If we are not in the best category, remember, Minister Farrakhan holds out the torchlight by which we may see how to move into the best position with Allah. He holds that same torchlight by which America can improve her standing with God Himself.

We must hurry before the wall (which will have a door) is raised, as described in Surah 57, section 2 of the Holy Quran. It’s written: “… the hypocrites …will say to those who believe: wait for us, that we may borrow from your light. It will be said: Turn back and seek a light. Then a wall, with a door in it, will be raised between them. Within it shall be mercy, and outside of it chastisement.”

The parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13, warns us against going into a slumber caused by the effect of the spiritual tares or darnels that keeps us from preparing for Jesus’ imminent return.

All of the virgins got drowsy and went to sleep. All woke up. Then they were separated. What separated them? Some had “oil” and the others did not.

Everything, Minister Farrakhan has gone through, from birth to now, prepared him, to do what he has and is doing–especially this year–and will do! It’s written!

More next issue, Allah willing.