“And your Lord says: Pray to Me, I will answer you.”  -Holy Qur’an 40:60

I wrote some articles in 1982, that are witness, of the truth and to the identity and the work of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. I know there are differences between 1982 and 2010. But there are no differences between what I wrote of him then and now. I wrote truth, by the help of Allah.

I’m putting a few articles, I wrote back some years ago, in The Final Call, exactly as I wrote them some years ago. I used some of his words to introduce my words, that was and is my witness of the truth of his words and other truths of him, that came from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.


In one dictionary, the word “momentous,” means “of a decision, event, or change of great importance or significance, especially in its bearing on the future.” I intend to explain why I’m asking you to read them, just as I wrote them later.

Have you ever studied the word “help” deeply?

Have you ever thought of why, Almighty God Allah, raised Minister Farrakhan up, to help the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, directly, by the millions and millions and millions? Have you ever counted those numbers?

Study the word “help” on all levels. I intend to get to that word later.

Now, to the articles, written in 1982.

Memorandum To The Black Nation” (The Final Call, Vol. 2, No. 5), “It is written in the Holy Qur’an, ‘You were on the brink of a pit of fire, and Allah saved you from it. And united your hearts, and you became brethren while before you were enemies. This is Allah’s grace upon you.’

“The Black people of America are now on the brink of a pit of fire, as this world closes down, and it is our hearts that are separated.

“It is we who have become enemies of one another due to envy, jealousy, contention, greed, lust for power, prestige, influence, wealth, position and all of the things that make us a non-spiritual, carnal-minded people. Allah (God) wants to unite our hearts and make us brethren.”

This is true. It doesn’t take a wise man to see that our (Black people) problems as a people–and the whole world, for that matter–are rooted in our heads and in our hearts.

Brother Farrakhan continued that:

“If we love title, if we love influence, if we love power, and status more than we love the equality of Brotherhood, then we are yet dead and are a part of the dying world that is on the ‘brink of a pit of fire.’

“However, if we can give up these things, the misunderstanding of which makes one feel greater than his brother, and accept the love and work for brotherhood above all, then we have indeed passed from death into life.”

And, he concluded with these words:

“So beloved, Black brothers and sisters, we admonish you to strive no more for title, power, influence, position of advantage, more than our brother, and let us serve our brother with love and humility and promote the brotherhood of the Black man here and throughout the world.”

The full beauty, power, and timeliness of this “memo” cannot be overestimated, especially when you ponder the following, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told many of us–and even wrote an article on it–that the Nation of Islam (which he led even as he spoke) would fall, but after three years it would be rebuilt, never to fall again.

The man leading this rebuilding work–which, bluntly, includes all Black people–is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. When we honestly study and evaluate the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam, its rise and fall and rise again, this “memo” is momentous. Consider these two points from earlier sections of this “memo:”

“In this world men and women study many, many years to qualify themselves to wear titles: (then he listed some). Oftentimes titles are used to motivate men to strive for these positions of influence and power, but the very means by which men ascend to titles oftentimes is the destruction of the organization which the titles were meant to serve.

“The striving of men and women for positions of influence and power over others is an immature response to the need for organization, for this inordinate striving creates the very disease that ultimately destroys organizations: envy, jealousy, contentiousness, greed all of which comes out of false pride.”

(Now, this is June 2, 2010.I also wrote on December 8, 1982 an article I titled: “A Brother And A Nation”)

“Nineteen Seventy-Four was the greatest year, in many respects, for the Nation of Islam. The teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad were being proclaimed by Brother Louis Farrakhan, as his lead Minister, and by his other Ministers, throughout America and overseas.

“Black people were attending Muhammad Mosque meetings by the thousands–weekly–all over the country. Sales of the newspaper, Muhammad Speaks, reached one million per week in sales. Businesses were springing up by Muslims in city after city.

“The import/export trade was expanding. For instance, millions of pounds of quality fish were imported and sold by ‘clean-cut’ Black men at a reasonable price, in Black communities, which (among other things) helped support the schools set up by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, which, by 1974, had become well-respected institutions.

“Then there was that testimonial dinner held at the Conrad Hilton Hotel on March 29, 1974. It was sponsored by about 130 Black business and civic leaders. State Senator Partee served as toastmaster. There were a little over 1,900 in attendance.

“That day was proclaimed ‘Honorable Elijah Muhammad Day,’ throughout the state and city, by both the Governor of the State of Illinois and the Mayor of Chicago.

“Mayor, Congressmen/women, and leaders of civil rights, civic and business organizations around the country paid honor to this very honorable man. This list included Reverend Jesse Jackson, Reverend Ralph David Abernathy, Dick Gregory, Congressman Ralph Metcalfe, Vernon Jordan, Congresswoman Cardiss Collins, John Calhoun (Staff Assistant to the President of the U.S), Maynard Jackson, Floyd McKissack–to name a few.

“The words of recognition, admiration, and support of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad reflected–among other things–the power not only of an idea whose time had come, but also the right man to proclaim it.

“A few weeks later, in May, in New York City, Brother Louis Farrakhan would speak at a Black Family Day gathering to 70,000 people. This was an unusual event.

“Yes, 1974 was a great year for the Nation of Islam. Yet, in the midst of all of this, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad grew increasingly sad. He would say to Brother Farrakhan later that year that people would say that his teachings were ‘good for those days, but not for now.’ Brother Farrakhan was puzzled.

“There was a sickness in the Nation. And there are the lessons, of the most profound type, for all Black people to learn from this sickness: Its origins, its development, its manifestations, and its cure.

To be continued.




More next issue, Allah Willing.