I’m thankful to Allah, for being able to see and hear the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and attend, in person, the 14th anniversary of the Million Man March (Day of Atonement) in Memphis, Tennessee.

I’m in the process of studying deeper what I saw and heard that focused on Minister Farrakhan. It may take a few articles. I hope you will be patient with me. This will complete what I’ve started in these series of articles, “He’s Alive.” Of course the fact that Minister Farrakhan rose up and is doing what he is doing tells us that. He is backed by Two!

I was able to attend the (Holy Day of Atonement) Leadership meeting held on Friday, October 16, 2009; The Laborers and The Believers Meeting, on Saturday, October 17 and Sunday’s meeting titled: “Accepting Responsibility to Build Our Community.” All held in the city of Memphis.


What I did not attend was the Prostate Cancer Townhall Meeting. That was because I was not aware of this event. The event was coordinated by Minister Farrakhan’s daughter, Sister Maria Farrakhan Muhammad and Sister Carmin Muhammad. I was able to get a copy of this DVD. I’m in the process of studying it for the second time.

This DVD involves illnesses and diseases, including prostate cancer, that affect us as a people, the importance of health screening for early detection, etc. My reason for mentioning this is because everybody, in the Nation should get this DVD, study it and then spread it in their cities, right now.

Dr. Patina told me that she never saw or heard anything like this before, where you had medical doctors pushing the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teachings, through Minister Farrakhan, on How To Eat To Live, in the manner it which it was done. Minister Farrakhan’s statement, in that event, is stunning.

On Sunday, October 25, 2009 Minister Farrakhan spoke on the “Prayer Tsunami” line hosted by Sister Nisa Muhammad. I was able to tune in on the telephone and hear Minister Farrakhan’s powerful message on prayer. You can still tune in to hear his words at www.noi.org/prayer.

You should do that right now. Please read the last two Surahs of the Holy Qur’an. I intend to make it very clear one of my reasons why I asked the readers to listen carefully to Minister Farrakhan’s words on prayer, right now! One of my reasons is Holy Qur’an 113:5, “And from the evil of the envier when he envies.”

I am grateful to Minister Farrakhan, the publisher of this wonderful newspaper–The Final Call–for suggesting to me, when I was hospitalized some time ago, to make known publicly how I was doing health wise. He spoke to me in a very profoundly, Brotherly manner. I accepted.

However, I had to wait, because of many medical complications I had yet to work through. Now, I thank Allah, in the name of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, for blessing me to overcome certain medical problems. That makes it easier for me to overcome what lies ahead.

I can say that I’ve just recently turned a corner, by the help of Allah and the medical professionals, but I still have major problems yet to overcome.

Again, I thank Allah and the medical professionals, through whom Allah worked, whom I’ll name later, for getting me through these critical medical problems and to this stage of my health.

Again, I thank all you, for your prayers, thoughts, beautiful letters and cards over this time period. I’m responding to every single letter or card I’ve received. That helps my health. Do this for others that you know that are ill. I intend to tell why in my next article, Allah willing.

Some years ago before The Final Call was really established, I wrote articles over a period of time, beginning in November 1982, for The Forward Times; and one for a magazine entitled, The Black Experience and I wrote articles, with the greatest numbers for The Houston Informer, ending in October, 1984.

The Forward Times went out of business right after my third article for that newspaper.

My aim, purpose and objective was to help whoever reads these articles think about Minister Farrakhan in a manner that approaches the totally comprehensive view of God and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad have of this beautiful Black Brother, whom They produced not only for the Black Nation but for others as well.

One day the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was talking to his beloved Minister, Brother Louis Farrakhan, about a vision his brother Charlie had of his heart. That was over 40 years ago (from the time of this writing.) I remember the Honorable Elijah Muhammad telling me, more than once, of the closeness of this brother to him, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

In this vision, this blood brother of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had of his heart, there was a little black spot on it. Brother Charlie also saw (in his vision) that there was a light emanating from the heart of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and at the end of this light were people of every nation and hue. This light more than touched them. It engulfed them.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, then continued in his conversation with Minister Farrakhan, to say that if you can stand the praise of thousands you will teach millions. Ah! There is so much here!

In a way of speaking, these articles are, in part, a commentary on that conversation. Charlie was one of the persons close to him (the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) whom he thought would be a helper to him as Aaron was made by God to be a helper for Moses. Of course, dear brother Charlie is passed. The others of whom the Honorable Elijah Muhammad thought in these early days of his mission would prove to be this special “helper” are also dead.

By the time the Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke to Minister Farrakhan about his brother’s vision of his own heart, he (the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) was teaching millions. The spot had long since been removed. And, some years earlier, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, by the power of his prayer for my beloved brother, Minister Louis Farrakhan, to Almighty God Allah (Master Fard Muhammad) had removed the spot of tuberculosis from the lungs of his Minister–Minister Farrakhan.

Among the things that Almighty God Allah and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad did for Minister Farrakhan (and, therefore, for the rest of us) was to put Minister Farrakhan through a purifying process to make him fit to teach millions. Without any details that process started when the nation went down.

He is the spokesman for God and His Christ to Black people in America, to the Indians, to White people, to Mexicans … to the nations.

He is way beyond Aaron who helped Moses! I have more to say on this.

More next issue, Allah Willing