In my last several articles, I’ve written of the fact that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is very much ALIVE. I’ve placed emphasis on this fact from Volume 28 Number 44 to now. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was put in the seat of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, by him openly, who represents Master Fard Muhammad (who is God in person.)

Even though I was facing five years in jail, in 1960, I continued to do my work to spread the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, where I was working in three cities in California.

It was later the same year, November 1960 on a Friday night in San Francisco, I was hurrying myself to get to the Muhammad Temple (as we called our meetings at that time). I read something in the Bible that caught my attention. What I read made me a little unnerved. It was the idea that he, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad would leave us soon.


After that meeting, I hurried to my apartment. I could not sleep. I studied and prayed. I felt like a little boy seeing that my father was going to leave and I was not prepared for that. I studied over this late into the night.

I thought on this during our Saviour’s Day event in 1961. I thought of two Brother ministers I wanted to discuss this with during Saviour’s Day, if I got a chance. One was Minister Philbert and the other was Minister Farrakhan for whom I had great respect.

During that Saviour’s Day, time and circumstances affected my effort to engage them in a meaningful way. It was also affected by my ignorance. Therefore, I was not able to discuss this subject in a meaningful way.

When I visited Chicago, for the Saviour’s Day Convention, I heard some talk from a few Believers, that hinted who would replace the Honorable Elijah Muhammad due to his poor health condition. Brother Malcolm and Brother Wallace’s names were mentioned in my hearing.

Up to that time, in terms of my experience, I heard nothing of that. For the first time, there were only vague hints in my hearing, about who may “take over” the Nation. But, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote a public article, during that same time that raised and answered some serious questions.

Weeks later, we were told that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad would go to Phoenix for a short time for health purposes and that we could not see him until we got clearance from Chicago.

Brother Abdul Allah and I were given clearance to see him in Phoenix. That was in May 1961. Brother Abdul Allah was the minister in Los Angeles. The first thing the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us, as he opened the door for us, was about his experience with the Wheel, the previous night. He had a telescope. We learned much. He told us that he had a few conversations with his neighbors regarding what he saw. Some of them saw what he saw.

After a few moments, of that conversation, he offered us coffee. I opened up my attaché case to show him all of his articles he wrote, from 1956 up to that time, in different newspapers for a book. He told me that the book idea was good. That was a very fascinating discussion that gave me some profound insights.

Later, a few Believers, and myself, got started on making the book.

In July, I was “invited” to appear in the courtroom, in their system of Justice, where I was found “guilty” of “whatever” for not going into their armed forces, to go somewhere on the planet to kill people who did not harm my people.

In the fall of that same year, 1961, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad invited all of his ministers to Chicago, for a special laborers’ meeting. That was in October. He opened that meeting by stating that he could cover the purpose of the meeting in 6 to 7 minutes. But he allowed us to tell him our problems as ministers and he answered them.

That covered Mosque No. 1 to Mosque No. 24. He stopped because he had another appointment.

Closing The Gap by Jabril Muhammad
Inner Views of the Heart, Mind & Sprit
of the

Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
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He then covered his purpose for calling this meeting. At the end of those “minutes” he covered other points, and made a short, powerful defense of the scriptural Aaron. Among the ministers, I sat next to Brother Malcolm and next to him was Minister Farrakhan.

I visited the Honorable Elijah Muhammad just eight days before I went to prison. I continued to help the Brother who was replacing me, and the Believers.

Now, I’m going to skip, for a moment to 1964. There was an outbreak of hypocrisy in the Nation of Islam. There’s something of great value that has a tremendous bearing on all of us, right now, that we must understand. But I have to stop right here, and continue it, Allah willing. All of this has a direct bearing on my purpose of this column.

I wrote something on October 29, 1982 that bears on the above you’ve just read and what I’m about to write.

From the book, Farrakhan: The Traveler, Volume One, page 9 and 10, I wrote in 1982:

“The subject is the spiritual significance of the 300,000-mile tour of Minister Farrakhan in 1981, which, of course, involves the whole of his work. The view we are contemplating is from the perspective of God. And this is not an arrogant position, for God has in fact visited the United States of America, as it is written, and has made His view known through His Chief Servant, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I am a witness of the truth of His view. So, the reader is asked to read with care, for the issues involved are of the greatest magnitude. Let us continue.

“Please read (or re-read) the article on this tour by Brother Akbar and myself (The Final Call, January, Volume 2, Number 1). Imagine the extent of the effort the Minister made. Think of yourself doing what he did and the circumstances under which he did it. Consider the amount of energy he expended. Reflect over his sponge-like ability to feel the needs and absorb the problems and pain of others. Look at the continuous flow of his love, both for the man he represented and for the people.

“What kind of prior preparation was required in order for him to do what he did, in the way that he did it, under and even in spite of the circumstances? You must have knowledge of the preparation–that is yet in process, and the Prepares–to get the deepest grasp of the “meaning” of this Brother and his mission in general, and this tour, in particular.

“It is enough to state here, that his mind and heart was prepared, by Allah. At a certain point this preparation was shared by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

“If you will but reflect over his journeys (spiritual, as well as physical) in the right spirit, you will conclude that you are witnessing (and some are part of) the work of God in and around our Brother. We are witnessing the fact that the same power (Allah) Who guided and backed the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is doing the same for Minister Farrakhan. And, now, even though some of you don’t believe it, so is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Both are, even as you read these words, backing our Brother, Minister Farrakhan.

“All of us-believers, disbelievers and hypocrites, are involved in the outworking of the purpose and plan of Allah, which involves the salvation of Black people. And White people are very much involved too. This goes without saying.

“A people are being called out for the glorification of God. The Bride of Christ is being formed and is being made ready right in the eyes of the world. We are all making the final steps required just before the General Resurrection of the Dead (Blacks in America). This is the grand finale of the gathering of the people to Christ, in Christ, for Christ, by Christ, to God, through a brother from among us “Minister Louis Farrakhan.”

More next issue, Allah willing.