More columns by Jabril Muhammad

For the last article, I was looking for certain and very valuable words from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. I found them later. These words bear witness to important factors, I was trying to make, in the last few articles that pertain to aspects of Minister Farrakhan’s mission, especially at this time. That will take a few more articles.

Minister Farrakhan said these words in an interview on C-SPAN regarding the Katrina Levees in 2007:


“If it is a rumor the Holy Qur’an says to us, whenever there’s a rumor that is believed and is being spread, then those in authority who can search out the truth of that, should go to work and either dispel the rumor as fiction or prove it to be fact.”

During the time of that event, some Black People were killed on the basis of hateful rumors. People don’t want to be brought into court and then jailed, or worse, because they were involved in rumor making. The relatives and friends on the side/problem suffer.

(Now, I’m still working on what I mentioned in my last article, by the help of Allah. Some of it will appear, next article, Allah willing. Please read my explanation at www.cuttingedgeknowledge.org in Aphasia #8.)

To continue my last article, Minister Farrakhan said, “Yes sir, dear Apostle. I threw my idea completely out of my mind. I got my pen and took notes on what he wanted me to say. Unknown to me he sent for Minister Rahman. He said, ‘Brother Rahman, I told Brother what I want him to say. I want you to see if he says it just like I told him. Because if he says it like I told him, he will be written in the history of forty nations.” (Read page 361 in “Closing The Gap.” )

How many people lived in “forty nations” at that time? What about now? Does his order, which Minister Farrakhan obeyed 100 percent, relate to the profound worldwide respect millions and millions of people have for him?

What is involved in Allah’s preparation of a human being to serve others–the world over–in this unique way? This is something to ponder: a man who is the direct work of God, to serve His highest purposes for the world over. Such a man is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Such a man is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Does this involve “trials?” Why? Please study his trials starting on page 347. Consider the following. It really happened:

One day I went to New York to see Minister Farrakhan. That was in December of 1969. He had the flu. I did not know that. One sister, who was an official from Chicago, had business in New York City. She and I saw each other downstairs outside of Muhammad’s Temple No. 7, (as it was called at that time) as she was going into one Muslim business and I was going into another.

We stopped and exchanged the greetings. She told me of the Minister Farrakhan’s condition. Then, in commenting on the Minister’s health, she told me that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had said a few days earlier that he should be careful of his health, for Aaron was given a hard time by the people after Moses left.

Think about this. Obviously, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was, again, putting on Minister Farrakhan’s mind that which was soon to come. But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad saw this before that time–1969.


From “Closing The Gap” page 59 we read:

Brother Jabril: How would you relate the fact that so many are in a “time warp,” to the parable of Jesus, given in Matthew 25, about the talents? How, in your view, does this parable relate to helping us out of time warps, and coming fully into the present to be in accord with Allah’s (God’s) will for this time period– from 1975, or from whatever time period of the past?

There is a saying, “the only thing that is permanent in creation is change.” As long as we live, we are engulfed in an eternal process of change. Sometimes, however, we get locked into an era of time that gives us great comfort, because in that era of time we became possessors of a certain knowledge that equips us in that time period and we become successful.

Success, in any period of time, means the mastery of difficulty. The success that demonstrates the mastery of difficulty produces the ease that comes after difficulty. When the ease comes we are in a position of danger, the Holy Qur’an warns those of us who live the easy life, because the life of ease takes the struggle out of life.

When one does not have to struggle to know; when one does not have to struggle to become successful; when one does not have to struggle, then in that stage of development, one becomes comfortable. But another stage is coming, which will cause us to face difficulty again. And, it is the refusal to face the difficulty that accompanies change that leaves those in ease unwilling to struggle again. They get involved or caught up in a time warp, which then sentences them to death.

So it is when prophets come into the world bringing revelation. Every new aspect of knowledge produces a new challenge. Those in the older aspect of knowledge who have mastered that aspect of knowledge and have found ease, then, the struggle of life is gone for them, and they are more unwilling to accept the challenge of a new revelation, which demands struggle, which demands change, which furthers their evolution toward perfection.

Closing The Gap by Jabril Muhammad
Inner Views of the Heart, Mind & Sprit
of the

Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Click here to Order

Ease makes a person not want perfection. They say: “I’m happy where I am; don’t disturb me.” So when the new knowledge comes, the people that oppose it most are the people who live the easy lives, or who have become comfortable in their understanding of their revelation (Torah, Gospel, and Qur’an). This is why Jesus said, “It would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.”

Why? Because the Kingdom of God demanded a new knowledge; that new knowledge demanded, of those who had previously equipped themselves greatly with the old knowledge, that they become as a child to learn the new. That became difficult for the arrogant and the lofty. So they got lost in a time warp.

In order for us to continue the evolutionary journey toward perfection, we must remain humble and know that nature and life is critical. History shows that there is difficulty, and, after you’ve mastered the difficulty, there is ease. When ease comes, a new challenge is going to be presented.

If we can accept the discomfort of the new challenge and rise to that challenge to struggle to overcome the difficulties presented by that challenge, then we will have ease again. As the Holy Qur’an teaches, “In the alternation of the day and the night, in this are signs for those who reflect.”

More, next article, Allah willing.