Saviours’ Day 2008 (Official Website)
Chicago, IL (FinalCall.com) February 24, 2008 — The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan speaking today in his annual Nation of Islam Saviours’ Day address commented extensively on the U.S. presidential race, which included remarks specifically concerning the candidacy of Democratic hopeful Sen. Barack Obama. Min. Farrakhan spoke to an estimated 20,000 people at McCormick Place Convention Center.
Although the Minister did speak complimentary of Sen. Obama, he said he would not tell any one of his followers how to cast their vote, but he did say they should vote “their own self-interest.”
Min. Farrakhan went on to say that the litmus test concerning himself given to Sen. Obama should also be given to Sen. Hillary Clinton and other presidential candidates.
The Minister said he did not want the “mischief makers” to use his words to try to hurt Mr. Obama or himself.
Min. Farrakhan is expected to accept invitations that he has received to talk to certain members of the press in the near future.