Are you an “event” person? Are you an “event” exerciser or “event” dieter? An “event” person is the type that will try to lose weight or diet just for a particular event. Of course it is expected that we prepare or train for an event, but if we haven’t already had a particular “way” of preparing, we may set ourselves up for failure because we are trying something for the first time, with no background training. We should all incorporate healthy eating and exercising into our “way” of life.

According to, a “way” is a manner or mode, characteristic or habitual manner, a method, plan or means for attaining a goal.” (Example: A “way” to improve finances”). If exercising and healthy eating is already a “habitual manner” or daily practice, it becomes a “natural way of life,” or the “best way of life” when you incorporate doing good to yourself and others as you submit to God.

How do we make exercising a daily part of our lives? Practice some form of exercise a little bit everyday after you get your doctor’s approval. Start off with 10-minute walks in the morning or evening. You may even make it a family event and have a “walk and talk.” Have a “Sister to Sister” or “Brother to Brother” walk and talk. After 10 minutes of walking, you will be surprised how your spirit and mood is uplifted. Soon you will be able to add on another 5-10 minutes as your endurance gradually improves.


In most aspects of our lives, the process of doing things gradually is very beneficial. I always remind my students to make a daily habit of looking over their notes so they are not “cramming” at the last minute to study for a test. Daily cleaning, picking up items here and there, allows us to quickly prepare our home for our guest. If we do a little each day, we don’t have to do “a lot” another day.

Our daily focus should be improving or maintaining our health. It is not just about losing weight. Even wealthy stars who initially claimed that “they love themselves just as they are” were forced to start some type of diet and exercise program because their health was failing. R&B singer Vesta lost 100 pounds the “old-fashioned way.” In the March 26, 2007 issue of Jet magazine, the singer stated that she “sustains her weight loss by controlling her food portions and getting plenty of exercise.” Not only does she stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water, she also “eats baked foods as opposed to fried foods, and she eats plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.” The article ended with her saying, “Put God first. With God you can do anything. All things are possible. And try to be as prepared as you can be whenever you go for anything. It is so important to be prepared because the one who’s going to get the gig is the one who’s prepared.”

As we prepare to restructure and continue the building of a righteous nation, let us make sure we are spiritually, mentally and physically fit. Now is the time to work harder and not give up. In the book “Closing the Gap,” by Minister Jabril Muhammad, on page 3, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan states: “That in our darkest hour, an hour when you think you should give up because the forces arrayed against you are so mighty; so powerful; and they look as though they have totally overwhelmed you, it is in that hour that your greatest opportunity for triumph is in you.”

May Allah (God) bless us all with peace, health, wealth and happiness.

(Audrey Muhammad is a certified aerobics instructor and personal trainer. She is also author of the “Sisters’ Guide to Fitness” and the new audio book “Get Fit To Live: Be your best you!” She may be reached for comment at: [email protected]. Please consult a physician before trying any new dietary or exercise program.)