A Valuable Blackman Part 4

[This article continues from text featured in a chapter titled “A Valuable Blackman” which is from an unpublished book written in 1984 by Minister Jabril Muhammad.]

In Minister Farrakhan’s case, his teacher worked to bring from him particular responses, as part of his preparation, which pertained to the work he was yet to do. He got them. The student, however, did not realize the magnitude of the work done on or in him, to prepare him, until years later. This was factored into the overall scheme of things by God and the Minister’s wise teacher. It is clear that this student, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, has now come to understand those lessons. His magnificent work is sufficient testimony to that.


This understanding was in evidence when Minister Farrakhan wore a new fez during his Saviour’s Day speech of February 1984. It contained several jewels which represented the universe. Its significance was momentous and full of great consequence; as was the message he delivered that day.

This is not playing a number game. However, the fact remains that it was on the 17th day, of the 9th month (according to this world’s calendar), September, 1985, which was 19 months after his (4th consecutive) Saviour’s Day speech of 1984, when the Honorable Louis Farrakhan was brought up–in his spirit–to that huge space ship, as some would call it. It is a physical reality. It is yet high above us even as you read these words. The Mother Plane is a better term or name for it, according to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

There, on that huge plane, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke to him. We will return to these events and these dates just mentioned, later in this chapter and in the next, and to the Minister’s vision elsewhere in this book.

Meanwhile, let us ponder the following words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to his Minister, which takes us deeper into the subject of this chapter: The value of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan.

One day, in the late ’60s, he said to his Minister:

“I did not make you, Brother.” The Minister responded, “Oh yes you did, Dear Holy Apostle. Yes, you did.” The Honorable Elijah Muhammad quieted his Minister with a sharp retort, telling him to be quiet and listen. He repeated his statement, that he did not make his Minister. He continued that, “I taught you like I taught the rest. But only Allah made you able to put the teachings together in the unique way that you have of putting the teachings together. Brother, Allah prepared you for me.”

Of course, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in a certain sense, did participate in the making of his Minister. However, he was referring to something unusually profound in the creation of this particular Brother, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan. He was pointing to factors about his Minister which predated the Minister’s birth. Of such the Minister was unaware, at that time. These were factors in and about his Minister, which he (the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) did not produce. These were factors written into the very genetic make up, or coding, of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, long before either he or his teacher were born. His future was written into the future, or those special writings of history written in advance–that is, his life and work was written into the scriptures that have come down to us from long ago.

Minister Farrakhan was born May 11, 1933. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had met his Teacher only twenty months earlier, in September, 1931. He was just learning of his own identity when Minister Farrakhan was born. He had nothing to do with the factors leading up to his Minister’s birth, early formation and overall preparation, which would make him ready, for example, to receive the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his message, as he did, in 1955, and had done, especially since 1977. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had nothing to do with constitutionally preparing his Minister’s heart to receive and communicate to the world, for example, the communication of stupendous proportions, given to him in a vision, in 1985, from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in that huge wheel-like plane in the sky.

Remember, at the beginning of his mission, when Moses had not gained a grip on his task, and felt unsure of himself, he asked God for a helper. His request came from his sense of inadequacy. God gave him his brother, Aaron. However, God made clear to Moses that He was sufficient for him. Nevertheless, He did give Aaron to Moses.

This act, by God, in giving Aaron to Moses, did not represent a change of His mind. He was not giving into Moses’ limited vision, at that time. He did not give Aaron to Moses from any sort of weakness. He was looking at a time in the future, which Moses at that time did not see. He fore knew that His servant would have to return to Him for his next lesson. During that period of time, the condition of the people would require this special helper. Extra time was required, along with an unusual display of God’s power, to raise these people from their uniquely wretched state of condition. Part of what God would have to display, in order to save His people, was maximum mercy, or grace. Hence, the need for Aaron–out of His mercy–in the overall planning of the Lord of the Worlds.

In those few words that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke to his Minister, about God having made him, he meant much. Moreover, by the time the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was speaking these words to his Minister, he already knew his Minister’s identity. He knew him in terms of certain words written on the pages of the Bible and the Holy Qur’an, in addition to what Master Fard Muhammad revealed to him about his Minister. He recognized him on February 26, 1955, during his delivery of his Saviour’s Day speech that day.

On another occasion, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told his Minister that he would sit over the nation as the Father, “…when I’m gone.” The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was not referring to his physical death with the words “when I’m gone.”

Finally, on three separate occasions, between 1969 and 1970, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke, in a certain progression, concerning the value of Minister Farrakhan to him. First, he said:

“Brother, you are more valuable to me than a truck load of diamonds and gold.”

On another occasion he said:

“Brother, you are more valuable to me than a thousand airplanes with a thousand head of sheep on every plane.”

On a third occasion, he said to his Minister:

“Brother, you are more valuable to me than all of the wealth that is in the earth, because the wealth of the earth I met when I came here and I shall leave it when I’m gone. But through you, I will be able to get all of my people.”

Stop. Let us think.

Here was one Black man, talking to another Black man about his value to himself, in front of a few others. People talk about the value of others everyday. People talk about how much they love each other everyday. But how many of us, however, really take the time to think of each others’ value? What really makes any of us of value to another? What is the root of value?

More next issue, Allah willing.