By Viviana Lerma

The Cultural Revolution Begins/In Search of the Messiah

World Debut TA HA The Final Call Symphonic Suite by Tynnetta Muhammad


[Reprinted from the 2005 Spring/Fall Edition of the Cultural Links News Journal]

We were there. We stood by, excitedly, face-to-face seeing the future and experiencing legend, written word coming alive from the Holy Books of the Holy Qur’an. It was a long awaited moment: Mother Earth responded with a Message of Love.

New harmonies of musical sound were heard, and new tones and embedded ancient instruments along with the beat of hearts and the pulse of human spirits. Mother Tynnetta Muhammad received an invitation to perform her musical work arranged by Mexican composer and symphonic director, Federico Alvarez del Toro. The Mexican Governmental Department of Tourism and the Sacred Valley Association were the coordinators of the event.

The new sound bonded the sacred mountains, as they reached the cosmos. Scientific investigation informed us that the earth’s vibration was raised from 8 ohms to 12.5 ohms.

The dervish call and prayerful dance resonated throughout the sacred valley. The legends of Quetzalcoatl, the Lord of Light commingled with the beginning of the Venus Transit, which opened the sacred stone box in the heart of earth, and released her ashes to bond humanity in a new tone, a new expression of hope.

Tynnetta Muhammad with her world orchestra, composed of 19 indigenous instruments converged with the symphony demonstrated the new meaning of art in the new age. Nearly 2,000 people gathered at the beautiful scenery of Santo Domingo, Ocotitlan in the Sacred Valley of Mexico. Medical Doctor Vicente Garza, exclaimed: “This is Mexican music, all the great composers are here, Revueltas, Carrillo and Chavez. The Mexican secret has been revealed: In the soul of the Mexican Culture, it is the hidden Islamic spirit, a Cosmic Islam.”

Mother Tynnetta has never studied music. She hears it from within, from her heart sounding the instruments of ancient cultures. She continues to spread the new sound, the new message of Peace and Love in resonance with the cosmos.

It should be noted that there were many witnesses of the presence of ships of light during and after the performance.