I thank Sisters Dora, Vanessa, Nubian and Patina for overcoming the problems involved in getting my last article into this wonderful newspaper.

In my view, we’ll be doing a great injustice to Allah, the Messiah, the Honorable Minister Farrakhan and to ourselves, as well as to the purpose for which our ancestors were sacrificed, if we merely watch the DVD of Minister Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day address; read of it in The Final Call and say a few words about how great it was, and then a week later we can’t enter into a meaningful discussion of this significant event.

With this article, I hope to contribute to the process of meaningful discussion of what Minister Farrakhan accomplished this past Saviours’ Day weekend–including his appearance in Atlanta, Georgia–thus, fulfilling what I promised in my last article.


In recent speeches and articles, Minister Farrakhan communicated the reality that we not only have the opportunity, but the duty, to realize that Almighty God has offered to share with us His mind. Certainly, we’re all busy. But are we really so busy that we have no time to study this offer which Minister Farrakhan has placed before us, as did his teacher?

The effort to piece apart or analyze his Saviours’ Day address will go a long way towards preparing our souls for advancement in accepting God’s Supreme Offer. Let’s consider words from two synonym and antonym books.

On page 746 of Webster’s Dictionary of Synonyms, we read: “Share, participate, partake come into comparison only when they mean to have, get, use, exercise, experience or engage in something in common with another or others.

“All were once used transitively in this sense, but with the exception of share, they are now more often used intransitively than transitively. One shares or, less often, shares in something with another when one as the original owner or holder grants the part use, enjoyment, possession, or the like, to the other … or when one as the receiver accepts the part use, enjoyment, possession, or the like, of something that belongs to or comes from another … . But share may also take for its subject a group, and imply a community of possession, enjoyment or the like … .

“One participates or, in current use, participates in something when one has or takes a part or a share in that thing, such as a work, an experience, an enterprise, or the like … .

“A person or thing partakes, or partakes of (sometimes in), something when he or it accepts, takes or acquires a share of that thing, such as food, drink, a pleasure, a burden or, often, its essential nature or quality … .”

On pages 140-1 of the second edition of Choose the Right Word, we read: “Entrust, commit, confide, consign, delegate–

“These verbs involve the transfer of responsibility to someone else. Entrust stresses safety and reliance. A person may be entrusted with authority or with a specific task. A thing entrusted may be a specialized task or an object that needs protection. … Confide gives intenser overtones of safety, caution or discretion. … In this sense, it is more formal than entrust and has been overshadowed by other meanings of confide not directly related here.

Commit and consign are less personal than entrust and are more formal in this context. At its most general, commit means place a person or thing in someone else’s charge. … Specifically, it may involve the placing of a person in protective custody. … Commit often carries an undertone of giving something up, for better or worse, to forces beyond one’s control … Consign suggests great impersonality and has a legalistic or commercial flavor… . In other cases, consign may suggest criticism for a lack of concern that allows power to fall into the wrong hands… . Both commit and consign may also sometimes focus on getting rid of a thing forever… .

Delegate is the most neutral verb of this group, implying neither the security and confidence of some, nor the impersonality of others. Its tone is one of description without evaluation. It suggests a bureaucratic context in which a leading executive is responsible for work that others will execute … .”

Now, take the time to look up in ordinary dictionaries, at least, the words “share” and “delegate.” The meaning of these words has everything to do with God’s greatest offer. Latinos and Native Americans have an immediate share in this offer.


Minister Farrakhan is in the process of bringing before the public the greatest study conceivable of the human body, as he leads the 10th Anniversary of the Million Man March. In this process, he will be opening up and demonstrating a great truth in the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to me during a hot summer day in 1966.

He said that one of the factors that made him a superior spiritual teacher was his superior knowledge of the human body. He said that, while he was on the run from one set of enemies until he was arrested by another set of enemies (1935-1942), he studied the human body intensely.

Now, have you noticed that, since around 2001, there has been an increased number of health-related equipment–especially related to cardiovascular problems–at airports throughout America? Why? Here is information that helps our understanding.

Why is it that people with unresolved cardiovascular, respiratory and/or stroke problems do not react the same when at high altitudes as people who do not have these health issues?

As we go up in altitude, the concentration of oxygen remains the same as at sea level, but the number of oxygen molecules per breath is reduced. There are approximately 40 percent fewer oxygen molecules per breath up to about 10,000 feet. In order to maintain proper oxygenation of the body, our breathing rate (even while at rest) has to increase. This extra ventilation increases the oxygen molecule content in the blood, but not to sea level concentrations. The amount of oxygen required for activity is the same, so the body must adjust to having less oxygen.

I’ll have to continue this explanation next issue, Allah willing. I hope to make it clear, as we continue this explanation, of why there is an increased number of deaths due to improper medical advice to persons who suffer, not only from the illnesses I mentioned above, but also from ignorance.

Some of these medical advisers are likewise ignorant. But their ignorance is worse because they should know better. This imposes on us, who are not well versed in the working of the human body, to be extremely careful of the qualifications and the mindset of those who advise us in medical matters.

In the last four years of my illness, I have been involved or witnessed gross incompetence, and even wickedness, on the part of some medical practitioners. I’ve also experienced the excellence of others, whose knowledge needs updating.

One doctor, whose medicine was making me worse rather than better, accused me of being a drug addict rather than to seek a scientific explanation for the failure of his medicine. Yes, I laugh every time I think over that experience. I’m glad I had a witness of that event.

Let’s remember that 50 percent of this world’s father’s initial laborers were medical personnel.