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In the course of presenting news of the UN inspectors’ work in Iraq, the TV news program: Newshour With Jim Lehrer, the filmed image of President Bush appeared. A phrase in his statement really caught my attention. It was: “I’m sick and tired of games and deception.” He was speaking of Saddam Hussein and his supporters.

Immediately my thoughts went to the “games and deception” that those whom the Honorable Elijah Muhammad called “the wickedly wise” have been, and are yet “playing out” every minute, of every hour, of every day, on the Black, poor and unsuspecting people of America, including many Muslims.


Earlier today (January 15th) I carefully read the interview of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in The Final Call, Volume 22, Number 15. I’ve now read it four times. I intend to read it again. And again.

This article won’t appear in this newspaper until the first week in February, be it the will of Allah. My question to us is: Will we have read this interview at least once more since it first appeared? It doesn’t take long to read. It really ought to be studied, and very carefully at that.

Here is some of what occurred to me as I read his words in that interview. I thought over the mercy of the Divine Supreme Being towards America, despite the overwhelming arrogance of most all of her leaders, which both blinds them and hurts the American people.

At one point in the interview, Minister Farrakhan stated: “This easy picking (War on Iraq) is a lure for America to goad her into a trap that will ultimately bring about the downfall of the U.S.”

Jeremiah 50: 24 read: “I have set a trap for you, O Babylon, and you were caught before you knew it.” [New International Version.] The reason is given in the next part of that long sentence: “because you have struggled and contended against the Lord.” [Amplified Bible.]

It’s written in the next verse, depending on the translation, that God will (and now has) “brought forth the nations who unknowingly are the weapons of His indignation and wrath…” against Babylon.

The rulers of Babylon and the rulers of the nations–and their people–have not and do not understand exactly what is going on, world-wide, until they are provided with what God has revealed to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad–which Minister Farrakhan has spread world-wide.

As his teacher did before him, Minister Farrakhan has informed those world leaders (and others) who would listen, as to what is really happening. This ought not to be taken as an insult by anyone. None can understand the world situation, as it fully is, without being made aware of the presence of Allah, Who has only recently revealed Himself, His purposes, plans and actions. He has revealed Himself in America.

If money was the best means by which one could show gratitude for his work–and it isn’t–you could not pay Minister Farrakhan enough for the services he has rendered to America and to the world.

Allow me to make part of my point with what one might call silly. Imagine a batter, in the game of baseball, who not only gets a hit each time he comes up to bat, but who hits a home run every time! How many home runs would he have at the end of 162 games averaging at least four times per game? How valuable would he be to that team? How valuable would he be to baseball? What of America and the world? What kind of man would he be?

Imagine a man who has made thousands of speeches; every one of which meets all of the requirements for the best speech ever made, with each one containing divine guidance–for everyone? This alone would make him a very unique and extraordinary man, whose value we could not calculate. That’s Minister Farrakhan!

He, Who is ultimately responsible for the “lure” and the “trap,” mentioned above, is also ultimately responsible for guiding Minister Farrakhan to issue the warnings that he has to President Bush and the American people. That “He” is Allah, the Lord of the worlds. This is clearly mercy to the “nth” power–a very large number.

As I read his words, in this newspaper, I saw the mind of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad coming through Minister Farrakhan’s mind, in a particular way, as he spoke these words. This is critically important.

The prophets of Allah clearly describe the prominent qualities of the makeup of the Messiah and his ambassador. America must know “Jesus.”

God made Moses a god over Pharaoh and made Aaron to speak for him. Aaron was the voice of God. Aaron was of great value to God and Moses.

Aaron’s work freed Pharaoh’s magicians and gave them the power to finally tell Pharaoh to go to hell. This occurred before Moses killed Pharaoh. They became helpers in making real God’s words: “Let My people go!”

As we get to the final part of the destruction of this world, trouble increases, astronomically. All of the nations are in trouble. It’s getting worse. America is in trouble. It’s getting worse. Everybody is in trouble, but for different reasons. It’s getting worse for some. It’s getting better for others–regardless to how it now seems.

We all get into trouble. Sometimes it’s our own fault. Sometimes it’s not. Sometimes it’s a combination of both. Among the causes of our troubles, however, that’s absolutely unjustified, is our refusal to acknowledge our own ignorance.

Refusing to acknowledge our own ignorance is a critical factor in our inability to make peace with others. It blocks understanding of self and others. Ignorance kills. Allah hates false pride.

We no longer have an excuse for ignorance of what is most essential for our salvation. Minister Farrakhan’s teachings and work kills the “ignorance excuse.” Minister Farrakhan’s magnificent part of the work of the resurrection of the dead justifies the judgment of Allah.

Let’s return to the term, “play out.” “Play out” means “to bring something to an end, or come to an end; to act out a scene or situation that has been rehearsed or envisaged previously.” We are certainly at the end of this world, and the start of the next, which was envisaged, thousands of years ago and written down in the original (or the mother) of the scriptures we now have.

This is the time of God’s judgment. We are all in it. There is no escaping Allah. While there’s time, let’s improve and help others help themselves.

Get Minister Farrakhan’s word to others. Sell at least one subscription of this newspaper to another within the next seven days. Sincerely pray for Minister Farrakhan. Pray for each other or be thrown into Allah’s chastisement intended for the ungrateful.

Make peace with those with whom you don’t now have peace. If you don’t like this you’re not a Muslim, for Muslims are peacemakers. To dislike this is to reject what Minister Farrakhan constantly teaches on this subject, which is from his teacher and the Holy Qur’an–all of which is from Allah. To reject him is to accept hell.

EAT UP Minister Farrakhan’s words like you would eat up that meal which you love the most.

More next issue, Allah willing.