“No disaster befalls in the earth, or in yourselves, but it is in a book before We bring it into existence–surely that is easy to Allah–So that you grief not for what has escaped you, nor exult in that which He has given you. And Allah loves not any arrogant boaster:” –Holy Qur’an, Surah 57, verses 22-23

On the evening of November 13, following our return from the Terelj National Park and our visit to the traditional village, we made our way back to Ulaan-Bataar, in sub-zero freezing temperatures for our meeting with the President and Founder of the Academy of Ghengis Khan,  Mr. Purev-Oidovyn Davaanyam. Mr. Davaanyam is also a 29th Generation Descendant of Genghis Khan and his “Golden Family.” He has been entrusted and chosen from among his family members to reveal some of the hidden wisdom, philosophy and legacy of the descent of the Mongolian Kings.


His Academy was founded in 1996 and is dedicated to studying and fostering academic research on Genghis Khan and other Mongol Rulers. I quote from one of his published works on this subject the following brief words: ” the Academy has awarded honorary titles to individuals from 16 lands–an electric lot ranging from Tenzing Norgay to Jawaharlal Nehru–for their contributions to the study and promotion of Mongolia’s heritage, or for outstanding human achievement.

Interestingly enough, since this publication surfaced, several candidates for this award were granted to former President George W. Bush Sr., former President Bill Clinton, Great Britain’s Prime Minister, Toni Blair and Secretary of the United Nations, Kofi Anan, as well as others. President Clinton, a former Rhodes Scholar, responded to the Academy’s President with a warm response, and Secretary Kofi Anan personally visited Mongolia during the ending months of last year.  What a curious connection must exist, I thought,  between those selected candidates as the recipients of such a prestigious international award that is based upon the philosophy of Genghis Khan and the Mongolian Kings.

 As we come to the end of the Old World Order and Dominance of Satan’s World, the secrets are coming out and are being gradually revealed  to a sleeping world.  In Mr. Davaanyam’s further dissertation, he states that, “The Mongolian Khan’s philosophy holds that there are three worlds–the stars, the earth and the world of human thought. There is no division or opposition between them, no discrimination or division on the basis of class or social status.” He further believes that, “Human consciousness can be divided into three categories–colonial consciousness, independent consciousness and developed consciousness.” In this latter category, he points to Mongolia, Germany and the ancient Greeks as a few examples of “developed consciousness.”

With this having been said, I raise the following questions with respect to the development and impact of global history on human consciousness during the last 6,000 years. Who are the true inheritors of the legacy and philosophy of the Mongol Kings and Rulers? Will the chosen inheritors arise from among  the hidden ones (ancient people) akin to an ancient genealogy and original people of a  lost Nation of Asia, that is just now  awakening to an unperceiving world?  If, indeed, “developed consciousness” represents the last great frontier of human genius and perfection, might that inheritance be returned to those who have been rejected and despised by the builders of this world, who fell asleep in the West, but are yet identified as (the Original Black Nation of Asia), the Originators of the Genealogical Tree of tribes and nations that we recognize as descendants all over our Planet today?

 If the Cosmic Sky Religion is traced back to it’s roots in the stars and descended to earth’s plane within our solar system composed of fire and light, might not the infinitude of darkness hold the secret and the key to our renewal and eventual understanding of immortality? What was in the beginning shall be at the end, reproducing a New Genesis of a New Creation in our Reunion with God in a perfect abode of peace and harmony.

“Certainly We sent Our messengers with clear arguments, and sent down with them the Book and the measure, that men may conduct themselves with equity. And We sent down iron, wherein is great violence and advantages to men, and that Allah may know who helps Him and His messengers, unseen. Surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.” –Holy Qur’an, Surah 57, Verse 25

 To be continued.