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Santa’s Walmart Elves Stole Your Job

According to Senator Bernie Sanders, “One family, the Walton family of Walmart, owns more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of Americans.” Walmart Stores, Inc., is the nation's (and the world's) largest commercial employer and one of America's most profitable companies, netting $15.7 billion in profits in 2011 from $419 billion in annual global sales. For the fiscal year ended...

Declaration of independence

Minister Farrakhan was the featured speaker at a rally in the "cradle of liberty," Philadelphia, on July 4th, 1996. For the past 66 years, this date has taken on a dual importance in the study of our history here in the Western Hemisphere. The American colonists declared their independence from Britain on July 4, 1776, and...

Navy Beans Contain Key Fats That Protect and Heal the Body

by Dr. Christina Parks | Guest Columnist We have been indoctrinated in our modern age to think that eating fat is a bad thing. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Each cell of your body is encased in a fatty membrane that protects that cell and determines what is allowed to enter and exit. Further, there are...

Nelson Mandela on President Bush: ‘No foresight – He can’t think properly’

The strong words of former President Nelson Mandela at an international women's forum held in Johannesburg at the end of January 2003, may reflect the thinking of many African leaders. Some would like to say even more about their disagreement with President Bush. They may even tie it into his cancellation of his trip to five African...

Separation, independence and the future

By News In Scotland, a Western and modernized country, a referendum was recently held to determine whether Scots should remain part of the United Kingdom or strike out as an independent nation. While Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron hailed the vote 55 percent to 44 percent to stay with Britain, the question is not fully resolved. Scottish political leader Alex...

On a continuous campaign of deception

The Nation of Islam vs. The New York Post (Editor's Note: This article was originally published in the Final Call Newspaper in 1998.) Let us remember that this $4,400,000,000 libel case (which this limited series of articles concern) is affecting that which appears to be the wicked's final campaign to destroy the Nation of Islam at our root. So, none of uswho are the...

Nation Of Islam Responds To Recent ADL Anti-Semitism Claim

By Attorney Ava Muhammad (Editor's note: We are pleased this week to share on our Editorial page a defense of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered in writing by a member of the Nation of Islam Executive Council, a student minister and the spokesperson for the Minister and Nation of Islam.) Over the years, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has been...

J. Edgar Hoover and the ADL partnered to destroy Black leaders, organizations

FBI, Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

“Surely they can avail thee naught against Allah. And surely the wrongdoers are friends of each other, and Allah is the Friend of the dutiful.”—Holy Qur’an 45:19 The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has always been the champion and the most heroic figure looming large within the collective consciousness of the Black man and woman of America, particularly since he rose...

Integrity and an image that impacted world history

When looking at a man’s life, sometimes it is the testimony and the words of those who loved him that speaks best to who he was. But, in other instances, it is not the words of those who loved and understood him but those who perhaps didn’t understand him, didn’t agree with him but who were forced to respect him. For...

Haiti represents more than chronic poverty

By George Curry-Guest Columnist- MILOT, Haiti - When Ron Daniels invited me to join his recent Haiti Support Project's pilgrimage to the cities of Milot, Cap-Haitien and Port-au-Prince, I had mixed feelings. I have traveled around the world, but my trips to the Pyramids in Egypt and the Door of No Return on Goree Island in Senegal were the most...