
Home Perspectives Page 7

The Great Lie Against Farrakhan

The vitriolic slander against the person and ministry of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan continues to spew forth from a host of Jewish periodicals. These periodicals are currently carrying out a campaign of slander that aims to further the “no platform” policy against the Minister’s message. These publications and their false allegations against our beloved Minister have repeated certain lies...

Black Men, Black Institutions And Black Progress

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor When we come into this world, we are assured of few things. One thing we can count on is that we will one day depart this earthly plane. We will no longer walk among the living at some point. The question to be asked is how do we live our lives and what did...

Black Love, Black Jews and the Plots of an Anti-Black Enemy

By Richard B. Muhammad, Editor One of the most effective and often used tools employed by those who desire to keep Blacks underfoot is to try to pit Blacks against one another. Instead of dealing directly with those who are thwarting their plans for Black domination, the enemy seeks to pit us against one another. We thank Allah (God) for history...

Birth Of A Nation: Jewish Racism And Cinematic Bigotry The new movie “The Birth of a Nation” is generating immense controversy, but is that firestorm also a deliberate diversion from the ugly history surrounding the 1915 motion picture of the same name? In a vivid big-screen extravaganza, writer and director Nate Parker recounts the 1831 Virginia revolt led by the great Black freedom-fighter Nat Turner. In so doing, Parker boldly...

Hollywood’s racism factory

By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- I know, some will think I am shoveling that outdated Black pride, race integrity stuff when I note that Black people have given into the Hollywood racism factory. Think back: Frederick Douglass took his freedom from his slave-master; Sojourner Truth asked, “Ain't I a woman”; Malcolm X posited freedom “by any means necessary”; and Dr....

Washington Post reporting & the truth about the Nation

By Richard B. Muhammad The Washington Post recently published a piece about the Nation of Islam mosque in Washington, D.C. It offered an interesting perspective and exposed the continued problem of White media outlets and White reporters walking through the Black experience. It could be summed up this way: Can the children of the slaves and slave masters ever see things...

Gadhafi: Love for Africa or a personal agenda? -Part I

TRIPOLI, Libya ( - It would take a large book to chronicle where Libya has been in the last 40 years since the September 1, 1969 revolution and another book on the last 10 years on how billions of petro dollars have been spent to keep the African Union working towards a United States of Africa. It all...

A new year, an old fight, a new opportunity

FINALCALL.COM As the old year goes out and a new year comes in, there is anticipation and hope that the future will be better and brighter than the immediate past. Resolutions are made to change, plans are conceived and a new spirit seems to permeate the atmosphere. The New Year, hopefully, brings new desires and a new commitment or a renewed...

Aids remains a ‘super’ problem

By George Curry-Guest Columnist- You know an event is important when it takes on Roman numerals. It instantly achieves Super Bowl status. This year's International AIDS Conference is number XVI. The one two years ago in Bangkok was XV. And the one two years from now, in Mexico City, will be XVII. This is the real Super Bowl. It's not...

Mis-defining Madiba

By Richard B. Muhammad Nelson Mandela, the beloved freedom fighter, onetime political prisoner and president of South Africa, has departed this life. We thank Allah (God) for his life, his yet unfinished work and our challenge is to complete his task. Part of completing that task lies in understanding the man, the mission, challenges he faced–and challenges his beloved South...