Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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When Abe Lincoln, J.F. Kennedy Spoke Out for Negroes

From the death of Abraham Lincoln to the assassination of President Kennedy, it proves that on each one of these occasions where outlaws overruled legal authority, it was in the case of Presidents who opened their mouths and said something favorable for the so-called Negro. I am not saying that this was the reason President Kennedy was assassinated, but...

An Economic Blueprint

The Black man in America faces a serious economic problem today and the White race's Christianity cannot solve it. You, the so-called American Negro, with the help of Allah can solve your own problem. The truth must be recognized by the Black man. He, himself, has assisted greatly in creating this serious problem of unemployment, insecurity and lack....

A House of Our Own

We cannot be successful in the house of our enemies; we should be in our own house. That which is other than our own is for those who are other than our own. “Our own” is unlimited physically and spiritually. There are those who think that our lack of freedom, justice and equality can be solved in the White...

Resurrection of our People

The old world must be removed to make way for the new world. There is a universal struggle being waged by the old world against the beginning of the new world. Will the old world's opposition prevent the establishment of the new world? According to recorded history, the efforts being made by the old world against the beginning...

The worst is yet to come

According to radio and television, and according to individual conversation–and according to conversation heard between government officials concerning their problem of trying to find a way to peace for their people–and a way to find stoppage of the fall of their money market and unemployment– and a stoppage to the revolutions between the dissatisfied and the dissatisfied–and to find...

The Great Commotion

The great commotion of the government and people of America; the civil unrest, insurrection, mental excitement and noisy confusion–there is no action that is being taken, nor can there be any action taken, that would bring the people to a better condition of civil action. The White American people have practiced evil and injustice to the man in the mud,...

Confusion, Confusion of People

Now the rise of America’s once slave into the knowledge of self, in the spirit of Allah, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad (the son of Man), the Author of the Resurrection of us the mentally dead is causing untold confusion among the heads of state. The scripture is being fulfilled wherein it prophesies that in these days (meaning...

The Significance of Prayer

“O you who believe, remember Allah, remembering Him frequently and glorifying Him morning and evening. He it is Who sends His blessings on you, and so do His angels, that He may bring you forth out of utter darkness into the light and He is merciful to the believers (Prayer is better than sleep.)” (Holy Qur'an 33:41-43). This alone...

Help Self Before Helping Others

Many of my people, the so-called Negroes, say we should help the nations of Africa which are awakening. This has been said as if we owned America. We are so foolish! What part of America do you have that you can offer toward helping Africa? Who is independent, the nations of Africa or we? The best act would be...

We Must Have Some Earth And Soon!

Let the foolish educators and teachers think not that we have a future in White America's promises. For they themselves do not have a future, unless they are willing to divide this country between our people (the so-called Negroes) and the Indians, whom they robbed nearly 500 years ago. However, we must have some of this earth that...